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有时,财产也可以通过添附获得。Sometimes property is acquired by accession.

添附是民法上的一项重要制度。Accession is an important system of civil law.

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千万别有人把这个误认为我的自豪。Let no one mistake this for an accession of pride.

伏思达祝贺中国加入世贸组织。Verhofstadt congratulated China on its accession to the WTO.

它接手了中国加入WTO的最后阶段事务。It shepherded the final phase of China's accession into the WTO.

亨利一五四七年即位,戴安娜简直成为王后,只欠名义而已。On Henry's accession in 1547, Diane became queen in all but name.

入盟标准与根本稳定原则不符。The accession criteria are inconsistent with basic stability rules.

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面对加入WTO,民营企业面临着二次创业的问题。Facing accession to WTO, it faces the second starting an undertaking.

论述了工艺资源访问、系统实施等关键技术方法。The methods of accession to and implementation of MPRS are described.

欧盟的附加程序可能对其财政和结构性的改革起促进作用。The EU accession process should accelerate fiscal and structural reform.

馆友们也被容许购买博物馆出售的馆藏。Friends of the museum are permitted to buy pieces that are de- accession.

加入的文件应交存比利时政府。The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Belgian Government.

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以加入WTO为标志,中国基本形成全方位的对外开放格局。China's WTO accession is the landmark of the beginning of all-round opening-up.

世界贸易组织限制保护主义的另一个渠道是入世协定。Another way the WTO has helped limit protection is through accession agreements.

要注意入厂登记表上的入厂日期或填表日期不能是工卡上的休息日。Date of accession or date of form filling should not be any rest day on timecard.

在罗马教开始掌权的时候,也就是黑暗世代的开始。The accession of the Roman Church to power marked the beginning of the Dark Ages.

第一,外资机构需求萎缩,加入世贸组织效应初显。First, foreign institutions shrunken demand, the effect of accession to the WTO own.

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从而形成“加入WTO”中国安防行业与其它行业不同的特殊背景。Thus the "accession to the WTO" 11st different industries and other special background.

罗马尼亚和保加利亚两国于2007年1月1日正式加入欧盟。Romania and Bulgaria , two countries in January 1, 2007 accession to the European Union.

尽管取得了这些成功,但是登临世界舞台的华为也面临着尴尬。Yet for all its recent success, Huawei’s accession to the global scene has been awkward.