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一氧化碳是一种危险的燃烧产物。Carbon monoxide is a dangerous product of fire.

一氧化碳中毒,马钱子碱,窒息。Carbon monoxide poisoning, Strychnine, suffocation.

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如果一氧化碳将真实情况掩盖住,那是件挺危险的事情。If the carbon monoxide takes this away, it's kind of dangerous.

这样相对人吸入的一氧化碳就要少一些。Such relative people of carbon monoxide inhalation to a little less.

一氧化碳和氰化氢的例子化学梗塞。Carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide are examples of chemical asphyxiants.

一氧化碳确实能损害心血管机能。Carbon monoxide is definitely capable of impairing cardiovascular function.

烟雾和城市污染物主要成分之一就是一氧化碳。One of the constituents of both smoke and urban pollution is carbon monoxide.

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在庇护所内使用时,也会造成烧伤和一氧化碳中毒。Fire can also cause burns and carbon monoxide poisoning when used in shelters.

他询问了50个人他们是否支持禁止化学物一氧化二氢。He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical dihydrogen monoxide.

一氧化碳的吸入量越大,人中毒的程度就越重。The inflexion of carbon monoxide measures more big, body toxic extent more heavy.

这将发生在这两年内一氧化碳量的呼吸时间。This will happen within two hours of breathing in this amount of carbon monoxide.

目的探讨一氧化碳等在小儿哮喘发病机制中的作用及意义。Objective To investigate the role of carbon monoxide in the pathogenesis of asthma.

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微光正降临洛杉机……活着真好,我想,深深地吸了一口一氧化碳。How good it was to be alive, " I thought, inhaling deep lungful of carbon monoxide."

介绍了利用废镍催化剂制取一氧化镍的新工艺。The technology for making nickel monoxide from wasted nickel catalyst was developed.

一氧化碳可以用来追踪烟尘羽的移动情况,即使经过遥远的距离。Carbon monoxide is a good tracer for moving smoke plumes, even across large distances.

巴立卓每晚检查炉火,以防煤气中毒。He is always checking the stove fire every night in case of carbon monoxide poisoning.

最后,地图显示,亚特兰大海岸边一氧化碳浓度很高。Finally, the map shows high carbon monoxide concentrations along the Atlantic Seaboard.

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一氧化碳也是产生臭氧污染和城市雾霭的化学物质之一。Carbon monoxide is also one of the chemicals that create ozone pollution and urban smog.

另一个一氧化碳污染源在加拿大阿尔伯塔省,那儿正燃烧着熊熊大火。A second source of carbon monoxide is Alberta, Canada, where large wildfires are burning.

烟羽表明在这些地区一氧化碳浓度的升高。The smoke plume is reflected in elevated carbon monoxide concentrations in these regions.