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我听到一只猪叫。I hear a pig.

猪尾汤。Pig tail soup.

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他还说,人们可以给猪涂上口红,但它还是一头猪。It's still a pig.

这一点猪八戒更是优秀。This Pig is good.

中国人喜欢猪?Chineses like pig?

他吃起东西来像只猪。He eats like a pig.

大胖猪很开心。Big Pig sees the hat.

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月“嫂”是猪八戒的。On "Sister" is a Pig.

猪装在口袋里卖。Sell a pig in a poke.

看,一个又大又胖的猪。He is as fat as a pig.

他像猪似的号叫著。He squealed like a pig.

我有一只猪要卖。I have one pig to sell.

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这个地方像猪圈一样的乱。This place is a pig sty.

给他拉首开心点,他给老猪剃猪毛。And he shaved an old pig.

猪很沃,而且嬾惰。Pig is very fat and lazy.

猪疼得呜噜噜地叫。The pig whined from pain.

看,一个又大又胖的猪。Look! It's a big, fat pig.

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猪脑汤怎么样?。What about pig brain soup?

谁愿意扮演猪八戒?Who wants to play the Pig?

把猪养肥再杀它。Fat the pig up and kill it.