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在这个时候,兴奋和疲劳同时产生,艺术可能是催眠的。At this time, excitement and fatigue run side-by-side, and art becomes hy otic.

同时,研究发现PAPC异位注射并不足以诱导一个新的异源的耳基板的形成。However, PAPC alone is not sufficient to induce an ectopic otic placode formation.

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它在眼窝与耳囊到枕骨大孔之间向后延伸。It extends posteriorly between the orbits and otic capsules to the foramen magnum.

目的探讨采用耳内镜直视下冲洗抽吸法治疗慢性化脓性中耳炎的效果。Objective To investigate the method of clearing chronic otitis media with otic endoscope.

目的探讨轻度颅脑损伤后精神障碍的临床特征。Objective To analyze clinical feature of psych otic disorder after craniocerebral minor injury.

方法对26例外耳道胆脂瘤患者,在局庥耳内窥镜下清除胆脂瘤。Methods 26 patients with external auditory canal cholesteatoma were treated under otic endo- scope.

耳动脉曾被报道为第四个潜在的吻合,但这一理论已经被推翻。The "otic" artery has been reported as a fourth potential anastomosis, but its existence has been refuted.

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CT仍是目前耳部肿瘤的主要影象学诊断方法,MRI是其必要的良好补充。CT is a main imaging diagnosing method to otic neoplasms now and MRI is a favorable means to complement it.

目的探讨耳内镜下治疗外耳道胆脂瘤的可行性和效果。Objective To explore into the feasibility and outcome of otic endoscope in the treatment of external auditory canal cholesteatoma.

耳小囊形成于半规管背面与耳石器官腹面且在第五后脑特殊节状结构后面的一个上皮囊。Otic vesicle An epithelial sac behind the fifth rhombomere forming the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally.

本文用紫外分光光度法测定氧氟沙星滴耳液中主药氧氟沙星的含量,并考察了该制剂的稳定性。This paper deals with the determination of the content of ofloxacin in ofloxacin otic solution and studies its stability by UV spectrophotometry.

最近发现内耳虽然位于骨性包囊内并缺乏淋巴引流,但它并非一免疫豁免器官。Until recently it was found that the inner ear is not an immune exempt organ though it is located within the otic capsule and lacks lymphatic drainage.

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出生后翼腭神经节和耳神经节及脑底动脉壁神经纤维一氧化氮合酶表达的年龄变化有其特定的规律。There is a characteristic principle during the development of the NOS positive cells in pterygopalatine , otic ganglion and the fibers innervating the cerebral vessels of rats.

我的一位博士后做了一个实验,他提取出这些细胞,然后注射到,处于发育阶段的,耳部泡囊中。One experiment a post doc of mine did was he took these cells and injected them back in to the ear into the otic vesicle at the stage where we think the cells are in development.

我的一位博士后做了一个实验,他提取出这些细胞,然后注射到,处于发育阶段的,耳部泡囊中。One experiment a post doc of mine did was he took these cells and injected them back in to the ear into the otic vesicle at the stage where we think the cells are in development.