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他看上去有点闷闷不乐的样子。He looked a little morose.

菲的死让明变得孤僻,他心灰意冷,郁郁寡欢。He became insular, emotionally dead, passionless and morose.

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我其实一直是一个忧郁且悲观的人。You know, cause I had always been a morose and pessimistic guy.

他低头盯着餐盘,一副冷淡不友好的样子。He stared down at his dinner plate in a morose and unsociable manner.

“是的。”听起来有些忧郁,“这将是糟糕的一年。”他好像在畏缩。“Yeah.” He sounded morose. “It's been a bad year.” He seemed to wilt.

然而,这是不一样的。他们有更多的钱越多,发楞他们的感觉。However, it is not. The more money they have, the more morose they feel.

所以,如果有人看我不够沮丧或没有愁容满面的话,抱歉,让诸位失望了。If I don't seem as depressed or morose as Ishould be, sorry to disappoint you.

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很快我的面包箱就空了,我再次陷入忧郁的沉思之中。I soon found my bread bin to be empty, and sank again into a morose meditation.

更重要的是,他没有福田和安倍那样紧皱的双眉和下垂的赘肉。Above all, he lacks the morose frown and sagging chops of both Mr Fukuda and Mr Abe.

他紧锁双眉,褐色面孔阴沉沉的,在通红的炭火的光亮中清晰可见。His brown, morose face, with its sullen brows, could be clearly seen in the light of the glowing embers.

整整一年了,他常去他们家,却永远是那样一个沮丧的忧伤的闲人。He had been there often, during a whole year, and had always been the same moody and morose lounger there.

广基浸润移行细胞癌表现为肾盂、肾盏黏膜局限性或较为弥漫性浸润增厚。Sessile infiltrative TCC showed circumscribed or diffused thickening of the renal pelvis and calyces morose.

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闻一多体验到的“矛盾”情绪愈加浓烈时,他的诗也愈加“沉郁”起来。The more intensely Wan Yiduo feels the sentiment of "contradictions, " the more "gloomy and morose" his poetry becomes.

在法国人和德国人发送的照片中,一半是面带笑容的,比斯洛文尼亚人和捷克人还要严肃。With fewer than half the French and Germans pictured smiling, they were more morose than the Slovenians and the Czechs.

上课之前,波许说,很遗憾我没有表现出应有的消沉和抑郁。At the beginning of the class, Pausch said If I don't seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you.

飞船离卡巴拉越来越近了,勒荣和克里斯塔还有其他的卡巴拉人变得越来越孤僻失神、郁闷不乐。As the ship drew closer and closer to Karbarra, Lron and Crysta and their people became more and more withdrawn and morose.

她们谈到之所以要把孩子送出去做工,就是为了让他们别老憋在家里,同时离自己阴郁又暴力的丈夫远点儿。They spoke of sending their children to work just to get them out of the house and of husbands who grew morose and violent.

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杰尼索夫咬了一下胡髭,面色阴沉地静听发言,显然他是不愿意参与这次谈话的。Denisov was biting his moustache with a morose air, listening to the conversation, evidently with no desire to take part in it.

他们的懵懂之爱对于他们两人来说都有疗伤效果,伴随着爱丽丝找到了纯纯的友谊,而乔学会了遗忘孤苦的童年。Their inchoate romance could prove therapeutic for both, with Alice finding pure friendship and Joe learning to let go of morose childhood.

虫灾的主角——祖母绿白蜡虫,在2002年密歇根州底特律附近被第一次发现。The invation invasion of the morose emerald ash over borer was first decovered discovered near the trite Mishegen Detroit, Michigan, in 2002.