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白色是西方人喜爱的颜色。White is the color that Hesperian likes.

在西方人眼里他是中国的拿破仑。In the Napoleon that he is China in Hesperian eye.

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西方人的鼻子为什么比东方人的高?What why the nose of Hesperian compares Oriental is tall?

它在西方人的眼中是惟一能够生吃的贝类。It is the shellfish that only can eat raw in the eye of Hesperian.

他说,很多西方人自己都承认,他们不了解中国。He says, a lot of him Hesperian admit, they do not understand China.

由此可见,西方人重视内心约束,而中国人重视外部约束。This shows, hesperian values inner tie, and the Chinese values exterior tie.

大都市区化是当前西方发达国家城市化发展的高级阶段。Metropolitanization is the senior phase of urbanization in the Hesperian developed countries.

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西方人更喜欢在客厅与餐厅之间铺块地毯,让房间生动而布满活力。Hesperian prefers to spread a carpet between sitting room and dining-room, make a room vivid and red-blooded.

许多西方学者对这一现象展开了大量研究,从不同的角度给予了解释。Many Hesperian economists made a lot of researches on this phenomenon and gave answers from different angles.

本雅明是一个典型的西方马克思主义思想家,也是法兰克富学派著名文艺理论家。Walter Benjamin is a classic Hesperian Marxian, and he is also a famous literary theorist of Frankfurt school.

文官职业化是西方文官制度建立的最显著的特征之一,也是这一制度的最核心的内容之一。The professionalism of civil official is one of the foci and the most prominent features of Hesperian civil servant system.

她们拿着西方人的尺度,回家丈量丈夫的生殖器,你说结果会怎么样?。They are taking the measure of Hesperian , the genital of husband of measure coming home, how do you say the result is met?

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在西方人看来,上帝给予世界光明,并且监督着世间的一切,芸芸众生都是在上帝的眼皮底下生活。Look in Hesperian , god gives the world light, and supervising everything worldly, all living things is live below the eyelid in god.

所以,长期以来在这一领域中西方学者所研究的理论方法,所做出的结论释读一直占据不可动摇的地位。Therefore, the theories and methods used by the Hesperian scholars, and their conclusions and explanations have an unshakable position.

据有关激进分子透露,加拿大正试图对保证西方国家履行向非洲提供援助的承诺的协议进行阻挠。Activists say Canada is attempting to block a deal to ensure that Hesperian countries springy up to promises to boost support to Africa.

所以,西方人根本就不相信我们的中草药,因为人家100多年前吃的就是这个东西。So, hesperian does not believe our Chinese herbal medicine at all, because of the family 100 what eat before New Year more is this thing.

为了避免破坏西部环境,有必要对西部地区的经济开发与建设进行严格监督。To avert marring the environment in the westerly, strict oversight of economic development and cerebration in the Hesperian places is necessary.

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西方人饮食中碳水化合物的主要成分是淀粉和蔗糖,而我国的饮食中碳水化合物主要成分是淀粉。The bases of the carbohydrate in Hesperian food is starch and cane sugar, and bases of the carbohydrate in the food of our country is amylaceous.

但张志峰认为,中国人不能亦步亦趋于西方人后尘,在婚礼服的流行色徘徊在黑、白、两色上。But Zhang Zhifeng thinks, chinese cannot blindly follow sb at Hesperian follow, the fashion colour that takes in wedding wanders in black, white, dichromatic on.

此外,中国人的思维模式是曲线型的,而西方人的思维模式是直线型的,这也导致了语篇模式的差异。In addition, thinking mode of the Chinese is a curve model, and the thinking mode of Hesperian is linear model, this also caused the difference of discourse mode.