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发愿作一盏路灯,照破黑暗,指引光明。Vow to be a streetlight showing the way.

接著,约翰他步履蹒跚地走著,走近了路灯。Then John he staggered off into the streetlight.

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他撞到路灯杆上,碰伤了头。He clashed against the streetlight and hurt his head.

来自一个路灯的微弱闪光引起我的注意,而且我喘气。A gleam from a streetlight caught my eyes, and I gasped.

那个男孩捡起一块石头朝街灯砸去。The boy picked up a stone and threw it at the streetlight.

一个警察看一个年轻女人跪在路灯下。A cop saw a young woman down on her knees under a streetlight.

他从你的肩上望出窗外,街灯洒下浓厚的静谧。He looks over your shoulder. The streetlight is still and thick.

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有一天,马克走在回家的路上,一头撞上了一根路灯。Mark was walking home one day when he bumped his head on a streetlight.

在皇宫外大街的每盏路灯上,也都绘着“喜”字。In the street of Palace, there will be "Happy" word in every streetlight.

这个时候就需要安装路灯,可是路灯又要怎么控制?This time on the need to install streetlights, but also how streetlight control?

早晚会有人在你后院附近装路灯的。Sooner or later there will be a streetlight installed that illuminates your backyard.

街灯下,玛琳唱着与附近传来的歌声一样的歌独自起舞。Marin, under the streetlight , dancing by herself, is singing the same song somewhere.

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玛琳,街灯下独自起舞的人,在某个地方唱着同一首歌,我知道。Marin, under the streetlight , dancing by herself, is singing the same song somewhere. I know.

突然,车内完全暗了下来,路灯的光亮被挡住了。Suddenly the car's interior went completely dark as the glow from the streetlight was blocked.

如果在路灯下找钥匙的那个人是个摄影师的话,那么他的做法是对的。If he was a photographer, the guy looking for his keys under the streetlight had the right idea.

文章介绍了一种城市路灯计算机集散控制系统的软硬件设计。This paper introduces the design of software and hardware for streetlight computer monitoring system.

是中国最大的太阳能光伏照明、LED交通灯制造商、供应商和出口商之一。We are one of the largest manufacturer, supplier and exporter of LED streetlight and LED traffic light.

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本文研究基于无线通信的风光互补路灯监控系统的设计及其应用。This paper mainly focuses on Wind-Solar Hybrid Streetlight SCADA System Based on Wireless Communication.

快到路端的地方有一盏路灯,和一个砖头茅房。停车场没有停汽车。Near the end of the track was a streetlight and a brick toilet block, there were no cars in the car park.

杰克不想冒被发现的风险,他把身子蜷曲在仪表板下,借着车外昏暗的路灯光继续工作。Rather than risk being seen, he crawled under the dashboard and worked in the dull glow of the streetlight outside.