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这些被单经洗。These bed sheets launder well.

我是该洗洗我的沙发套了。I really need to launder my sofa throw.

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在污渍上抹点伏特加,然后按正常程序清洗即可。Blot stain with vodka, then launder in your regular wash.

妥善地为自己的家庭洗熨衣服一星期。Properly launder and fold clothes for your family for one week.

你们这些家伙如何洗从毒品交易中赚来的黑钱。How you guys launder all the money you're making from the drug deals.

众议院今天表决打击为毒资洗钱的银行。The House voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money.

但这个百分比对有效地洗钱来说已经足够高了。But it’s a high enough percentage that one could launder money effectively.

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那时我才开始意识到他们是在用这些系统来洗钱。That’s when I began to realize that they were using the games to launder cash.

他们会试图将珠宝分割成独立的宝石进行“漂白”,其中共有1437颗宝石。Attempts will be made to "launder" individual stones, of which there are 1, 437.

该仪器可直接安装在井场泥槽或泥浆池内。This instrument can be directly mounted on the mud flume or launder at the well site.

因为你不能够依赖嗅觉检查,要确保经常洗澡、洗衣服。Since you can’t rely on a “sniff test,” be sure to bathe and launder clothes regularly.

所以,估计香蕉皮上的白色粉是洗衣粉,或类似的碱性物质。So i just guess the white powder should be the launder powder or other alkalescent chemical.

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网络经济环境下,犯罪分子可能通过电子商务、网络保险和网上赌博进行洗钱行为。In network economy, the criminals can launder money through e-commerce, network insurance, and internet gamble.

他说甚至这个游戏可能是政府官员洗钱的工具,十分粗制滥造。He said the game might even have been a vehicle for government officials to launder money, so shoddily was it made.

即使欧洲通过IMF洗钱,他们也不太可能完全的推卸财政失察的责任。Even if the Europeans launder rescue funds through the IMF, they are unlikely to outsource fiscal oversight entirely.

机构的电子货币使用已经失控,演变成全球范围内的洗钱活动。The use of institutional electronic money transfers to launder money on a global scale is already out of anyone's control.

优点显而易见,无需铺床、准备早餐、打扫浴室及洗衣服。The advantages are quickly apparent – no beds to make, no breakfast to prepare, no bathrooms to clean and no bedding to launder.

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所以,估计香蕉皮上的白色粉是洗衣粉,或类似的碱性物质。分析得对否,请教大家!So i just guess the white powder should be the launder powder or other alkalescent chemical. Right or not, maybe you have more idea?

但是,由于担心据称的俄罗斯寡头使用塞浦路斯银行洗钱,救市一直未得到批准。But the bailout hasn't yet been agreed because of concerns about allegations that Russian oligarchs used Cyprian banks to launder money.

有关银行多以申请者拥有巴基斯坦护照,国籍为巴基斯坦籍,指他们来自恐怖份子国家,可能有「洗黑钱」意图,故不能接受其开户申请。The staff said that applicants with Pakistani nationality were from a terrorist country and might use the bank account to launder money.