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担担面。Picul picul surface.

找到合适的路面。Find the right surface.

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鱼儿浮上水面。Fish rise to the surface.

鱼游到水面上来了。Fish rose to the surface.

它的表面还是干干净净的。Its surface is still clean.

把路面碾平!Roll the road surface flat!

他在平滑的表面上工作。He woks on the even surface.

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把清漆涂在表面。Apply varnish to the surface.

可测量平面的水平度。Measure the level of surface.

它的表面渗出物很少。Surface exudation is minimal.

道路标示作図装置。A road surface drawing device.

使失去光泽或没有光泽。A surface shininess or luster.

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您想按水陆路邮寄还是按航空邮寄?。By surface mail or by airmail?

她寄了封平信给他。She sent him a surface letter.

基材表面有明水的地方。There are water on the surface.

斯普利特表面的线。Split the surface with the line.

长方体的表面积计算。Count the surface area of cuboid.

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将海苔片铺放在平整的桌面。Place the nori on a flat surface.

为一般平面磨床最普及型之电磁盘。It is popular for surface grinder.

有一些创见性的意见开始显露。Some fresh ideas begin to surface.