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外延意义是词的基本意义。Denotative meaning is the basic meaning of the word.

“外延”与“内含”往往是密不可分的。"Denotative " with " embedded " often be inseparable.

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包括同义词和表示图片。Default labels, including synonyms and denotative images

词的象征意义是其概念意义的延伸。Symbolic connotation is the extension of denotative meaning.

“文字禅”是一个特殊的概念,具有特定的内涵。Wenzichan-Zen is an special concept and has special denotative.

他们的意义是外延的,是可以在字典中查到的。Their meaning, that can be looked up in the dictionary, is denotative.

词汇除语言或概念意义外具有丰富的社会文化内涵意义。Words have sociocultural meaning as well as denotative or conceptual meaning.

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字面意义相同,联想意义仅存在于英语或汉语中。Denotative meanings are identical but associated meanings merely exist in English or Chinese.

外延意义往往被描述为定义,文字,一个词明显或常识性的意义。Denotative meaning tends to be described as the definitional, literal, obvious or commonsense meaning of a word.

“敌我矛盾”的概念在内涵和外延上都存在严重缺陷。There are both denotative and connotative defects in the concept of "contradictions between ourselves and the enemy".

古代“时”的本义为“四时”,即四季,内涵着周而复始循环之义。The denotative meaning of "time" in ancient China is "season", that is, four seasons, which implies continuous circle.

对高等教育质量概念的分析,需要在“质量”概念研究的基础上,从内涵和外延两个方面来进行探析。The concept of higher education quality should be analyzed in both connotative and denotative meanings on the basis of research on quality.

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现代汉语言语实践中,基本颜色词能与所有名词或动词组合,可以受词组或短语修饰,其色彩语义或保留或消失。The basic color terms in Chinese can be collocated with nouns or verbs and modified by phrases with their denotative meanings retained or lost.

首先,从证券信用交易的内涵及外延入手,对证券信用交易制度进行了概括介绍。Firstly, it is from the connotative and denotative meanings of securities margin trading to generally introduce securities margin trading system.

我国钢铁工业长期采用扩大外延方式发展,不断铺新摊子。Our country iron and steel industry is used for a long time enlarge denotative means development, lay new the structure of an organization ceaselessly.

但快速发展过程中,外延式扩张带来的品质差、成本高、劳动生产率低的问题日益突出。However, with the fast development, development by denotative expansion brings about many problems, such as poor-quality, high-cost, low-productivity and so on.

动物词是一类特殊的词语。除了表示动物特定的意义外,更有其与社会文化密切相关的联想意义和引申意义。Animal words are a group of special words which carry far more connotative meanings and associations than their denotative meanings due to the differences of culture.

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所以经济增长方式只有以外延或内含为主的问题,不存在只要“外延”或只要“内含”的问题。So economic growth pattern has only with denotative or embedded the problem that give priority to, nonexistent as long as " denotative " or as long as " embedded " problem.

由文化因素引起的联想,词的指示意义,词义的演变与发展,社会文化背景均与词汇象征含义密切相关。Association with cultural factors, denotative meaning, the change and development of word's meaning, social cultural background are related closely to symbolic implications.

区别动词的内涵意义和外延意义,有助于全面认识汉语中动词在不同位置上的句法表现,并对此作出合理的解释。Differentiating the connotative and denotative meaning of verb can help us understand the syntactic features of verbs in different positions and provide a reasonable explanation.