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我会送你上绞架,断头台的。I'll send you to gallows.

绞架在等着你呢。The gallows groans for you.

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彼得说,「就像绞架上的小偷那样!Like the thief on the gallows.

1927年他牺牲在军阀的绞刑架上。In 1927 he died on the gallows of the warlords.

现在我将在绞刑架上赎我一切的罪过。Now i was to expiate all my offences at the gallows.

最后一刻的缓刑令把他从绞架上解救了下来。He was saved from the gallows by a lastminute reprieve.

我的发现任何证据可以挽救她的父亲从绞刑架?Can Minha find evidence to save her father from the gallows?

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因此,我国借口绞刑架幽默贯穿这个故事。Thus my excuse for the gallows humor that pervades this story.

哈曼以这话为美,就叫人作了木架。And the word seemed good to Haman, and he had the gallows made.

传统中通往绞刑台有13个阶梯。Traditionally, there used to be 13 steps leading up the gallows.

于是人将哈曼挂在他为末底改所预备的木架上。So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.

他嘴咬雷管炸掉了自己的头,而免除了绞刑。He outwitted the gallows by biting a percussion cap and blowing off his head.

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凶手乞求法官宽恕,但还是被判了绞刑。The murderer entreated the judge for mercy, but was sentenced to the gallows.

奥巴马说,总得有点儿黑色幽默让人们撑下去。got to be a little gallows humor to get you through the day,” Mr. Obama said.

也许,那是地方官的遗愿西宾斯老夫人那样生性恶毒的巫婆,将要给吊死在绞架上。Hibbins, the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate, was to DIE upon the gallows.

实际上,绞刑架形式各异,但即便如此,也往往要凑出13这个数字。Gallows actually varied wildly, but even then, the number was often brought up to 13.

我听了养父的话就讲给国王,国王证实后将那两个罪犯被绞死。I did what I was told and those two criminals went to the gallows and they were hung.

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绞架顶上捆着他那把刀,刀口向上,刀尖在空中。On the top of the gallows is fixed the knife, blade upwards, with its point in the air.

巧得很,山顶上有个绞架,是很久以前竖在十字路口上的。It happened that at the top of a hill a gallows had been set up at a cross-roads long ago.

于是人将哈曼挂在他为末底改所预备的木架上。王的忿怒这才止息。So they hanged Haman on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai . Then the king's fury subsided.