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海边小别墅的傍晚。The seaside small villa sunset.

布赖顿是著名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a famous seaside resort.

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这是环岛公路沿线的海滨公园。These are some of the seaside parks.

顺这条路走你就能到海边。The road will lead you to the seaside.

沿海滨建起了一所减肥疗养院。A fat farm was built along the seaside.

布来克一家八月份去海边了。The Blakes went to the seaside in August.

一幢幢别墅迅速出现在海边附近。Villas have sprouted up near the seaside.

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昨天我们在海边野炊了。Who had picnics by the seaside yesterday?

我去过幸运岛上的海滨城。I 've been to Seaside Town on Lucky Island.

伊斯基亚是个很受欢迎的海滨度假胜地。Ischia is a popular seaside holiday resort.

冬季是海滨旅馆业的旺季。Winter is the low season at seaside hotels.

他在海边拥有一幢大别墅。He possessed a large mansion by teh seaside.

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然后他们在海边度过了极好的一周。Then they spent a super week at the seaside.

我在马萨诸塞的海边小城住过。I lived in the seaside town in Massachusetts.

当然可以。北戴河主要是一个海滨度假胜地。Sure. Beidaihe is primarily a seaside resort.

这是海边城市日照市,一个宁静的绿色的小城。Rizhao City is a quiet small green seaside city.

那女孩去海边游泳却不幸被淹死了。The girl went to the seaside only to be drowned.

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海边租了一栋小别墅度圣诞节。We rented a cottage at the seaside for Christmas.

我们现在是在香港大埔的海滨公园。We're now at the Seaside Park in Tai Po, Hong Kong.

我站在路易斯海滨饭店门前。I'm standing in front of Louie's Seaside Restaurant.