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美国方面不愿将法律权利交付给某种超国家权威。America was reluctant to cede any legal power to a supranational authority.

鉴于不列颠辉煌的历史,很难令它向一个超国家的组织屈服。Surrendering to supranational rule is hard for Britain given its celebrated past.

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然他们并未明确提及美元或替代的超国家储备货币.Still, they did not explicitly mention the U.S. dollar or an alternative supranational reserve currency.

第二章和第三章主要讨论了多层治理对欧盟超国家层面和国家层面的影响。Chapters II and III discuss the impact of multilevel governance on supranational and national tiers of EU.

欧洲议会由一个論坛大会逐渐演化成一个超国家型态但是权利受限的议会。The European Parliament has been evolving from a common assembly to a supranational parliament but with limited powers.

欧盟成立的初衷就是为了建立一个超越国家和民族的机构,克服各国之间的嫉妒。而如今看来,欧盟成为了某些成员国积极反对的对象。As a supranational body designed to overcome national jealousies, the EU is vulnerable to a backlash in one or other member.

这种冲击自下而上是权力下放的需要,自上而下是超国家的联邦,就像欧盟和北美自由贸易协议。It is attacked from below by demands for devolution and from above by supranational confederations, such as the EU and NAFTA.

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在这种情况下,认为这种独特的超国家治理试验可能失败的想法,已不再是幻想。In such circumstances, it is no longer fanciful to imagine that this unique experiment in supranational governance could yet rupture.

没有人能说清楚虚拟世界到底存在多少个国家,但数目之多足以形成至少两个超国家组织。How many such virtual states exist is impossible to say, but there are enough to have formed at least two supranational organisations.

这些超国家机构是确保我们这个主权国家联盟的各种约定的规则得到尊重的保证。It is precisely these supranational institutions that are the best guarantee for the respect of the agreed rules in a union of sovereign states.

第四,所有成员国都应当支持和信任第二次世界大战后建立的超国家的欧洲机构。Fourthly, all member states need to support and trust the common supranational European institutions that were created after the second world war.

在多层治理的视角下,不应把欧盟的教育政策单纯地看作超国家层面的教育政策。From the perspective of multi-level governance, education policy of European Union should not be purely understood as a kind of supranational policy.

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20世纪90年代,某些专家如日本的大前研一曾预言,民族国家会被类似欧盟的超国家区域系统所取代。In the 1990s, gurus like Japan's Kenichi Ohmae predicted that the nation-state would be replaced by supranational regional systems like the European Union.

诸如欧盟之类的多国组织已经逐渐增加对公司管理,数据保护和失业的监管。Supranational bodies, such as the European Union, have steadily increased regulations in areas such as corporate governance, data pro-tection and employment.

从欧洲整合的经验来看,欧盟的整合是牵涉超国家机制、主权国家与利益团体三者在国家和社会层面的权力互动关系。The development of the European Union involves power interactions among supranational mechanisms, sovereign states, and state-and society level interest groups.

克罗利指出,面对一条困难的道路,欧元区国家需要一个超国家的财政权威机构,或者需要对公约进行重大改革。Faced with a difficult path ahead, the euro-zone countries need either a supranational fiscal authority or reform that would make members more accountable, Crowley said.

贝克先生同时也是太平洋投资管理公司官方机构事务处的负责人之一,负责监管公司总部面向中央银行、主权基金和国际组织的投资服务。Baker is also co-Head of PIMCO's official institution business where he oversees globally PIMCO's investment services to central banks, sovereign wealth funds, and supranational organizations.