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古拉代表的是保安人员迪克.赫勒。Gura represented security guard Dick Heller.

海勒虽喜战争题材,但不写军队里情同手足的兄弟。Heller took war as his subject, but he didn't write about backslapping brothers in arms.

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我有两个肉毒杆菌注射,然后帮助了一年或两年终于有Heller术。I had two Botox injections, which helped for a year or two then finally had the Heller myotomy.

当时,在近1000只海豚的驱赶下,沙丁鱼群被逼上水面。Jason Heller photographed up to 1000 dolphins driving the shoals of sardines towards the surface.

这个15公尺高的足球地球是由奥地利跨媒体艺术家安德烈˙海勒所完成。The 15 metre high soccer globe was created by Vienna-based cross-disciplinary artist Andre Heller.

购物是最好的地方比较杰弗里取款3882房车海勒照明灯具台灯里维拉店。Shopping is the best place to comparison Jeffrey Heller "ATM" 3882 "Rivera" rack lamp lighting shop.

马克赫勒尔冷静阅读一份“汤姆历险记”的水气球泼在他周围。Mark Heller calmly read a copy of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" as water balloons splashed around him.

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赫勒住在华盛顿市一个高犯罪率的地区,他出于保护自己的目的而质疑华盛顿的枪支禁令。Heller lives in a high-crime section of Washington and challenged the city's handgun ban so he could defend himself.

我是一个为Heller术胃底折叠包装的好选择,因为我的年龄,健康,积极的生活方式。I was a good candidate for the Heller Myotomy with fundoplication wrap because of my age, health, and active lifestyle.

关于这些细胞如何将声波转换为神经信号也就是我们所说的“声音”的研究几乎没有,Heller说。Little is known about how these cells transform acoustic waves into neural signals that we interpret as sound, Heller said.

我有所有的治疗扩张,球囊扩张,多内窥镜各种课程,Heller术8年前。I have had all the various courses of treatment dilatation, balloon dilatation, multiple endoscopies, Heller myotomy 8 years ago.

赫勒声称,由于用于研究的毛细胞数量稀缺,从而阻碍了他们进一步了解听觉的分子基础。One of the roadblocks to understanding the molecular basis of hearing is the paucity of hair cells available for study, Heller said.

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此类小说的作家包括库特·冯尼格特,托马斯·品钦,约翰·巴思,约瑟夫·海勒和菲利普·罗斯。The writers of novels containing elements of black humor include Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, John Barth, Joseph Heller and Philip Roth.

尽管我们似乎都能得到充足的欧米茄6,Heller说,但是很多人缺少欧米茄3。Though we all seem to get enough omega 6, Heller says many people lack omega 3s. Fish, walnut, and flax seed oil are among the best sources.

“我的女儿不快乐”的一章完全是真实生活“一字一眼的复述”,使“受伤”的埃里卡直接质问自己的父亲。Recognizing real-life “verbatim conversations” in a chapter titled “My Daughter Is Unhappy, ” a “demolished” Erica Heller confronted her father.

海勒。曼斯建筑公司,一个在圣。佛兰西斯科的25人公司,现在已经有三分之二的业务在中国,目前已有十来个项目排在了他们的日程表上。Heller Manus Architects, a 25-employee firm in San Francisco is now doing two-thirds of its work in China, with a dozen projects currently on the boards.

反腐败小组全球廉政组织局长纳撒尼尔•赫勒曾表示,“仅仅用一个数字去判断一个国家就够了”的观点已经让人们感到沮丧。Frustration has grown with the idea that “a single number for a whole country is enough”, says Nathaniel Heller of Global Integrity, an anti-corruption outfit.

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正如一个气球又一次错过了目标,海勒诱饵的学生,他的桨一样挥舞着棒球棍和评论他仍然舒适的衣服。As one balloon after another missed the target, Heller baited the students, waving his oar like a baseball bat and commenting on his still-comfortable clothing.

食管与贲门失弛缓症是一个显着扩张或和乙状结肠形食管患者的标准治疗方法,认为在这种情况下Heller术无效。Esophagectomy was the standard treatment in patients with achalasia and a markedly dilated or sigmoid-shaped esophagus, with Heller myotomy considered to be ineffective in such cases.