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因此He2,不稳定。And so He2 unstable.

你看到它是不稳定的。So you see it is unstable.

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局势不稳。The situation was unstable.

房价已经开始动荡Home prices have become unstable.

这张桌子的桌脚不稳。The legs of the table are unstable.

这是个稳定平衡。And this is an unstable equilibrium.

政局不稳。The political situation was unstable.

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不要将易碎物品放在不稳的桌子上。Don't place breakables on unstable tables.

伊朗是这块动荡区域的槓杆支点。Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region.

氢过氧化物是不稳定的化合物。The hydroperoxides are unstable compounds.

视轴变化将引起跟踪瞄准系统的误差。Unstable LOS will lead bigger tracking error.

但如今不稳定的局势不能持续”。But the current unstable situation cannot last.

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心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上,都没有定见。A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

而其余的人则易冲动,情绪不稳定。The rest were impulsive and emotionally unstable.

交流电总给人一种不稳定的感觉。Alternate currents make people feel it's unstable.

她不安靖的意识致使她是如斯的亏弱虚弱。Her unstable mind was what made her so vulnerable.

这仍是一个动荡不安、冲突不断的国家。It remains a highly unstable and strife-torn country.

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不稳定性骨折通常是粉碎性或斜形骨折。Unstable fractures are usually comminuted or oblique.

奴隶-奴隶主的关系是紧张且不稳定的。The slave-master relationship was intense and unstable.

三心两意的人,在他一切的行径上,易变无定。Since he is a man of two minds, unstable in all his ways.