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回顾和总结。Review and summarize.

让我来总结一下我所说的Let me summarize what I'm saying.

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总结会议所有的行动项目和决定Summarize all action items and decisions

我不打算对整份报告给出总结。I won’t try to summarize the entire report.

李医生,请你总结一下这个病例好吗?Dr. Li , can you summarize the case, please?

我将它总结成有感情的梦。I summarize it as a dream full of my emotion.

因而习用障碍一词来概括。Thus the term to summarize conventional barriers.

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标题是否准确地概括了内容?Does the headline summarize the content accurately?

方法经验总结,现场调查。Methods Summarize experience, investigate in locale.

第五章是总结和展望未来部分。The fifth section is summarize and outlook of future.

对苦瓜的化学成分进行了概述。Summarize the chemical element of momordica charantia.

我用三点来总结这个讨论。I summarize these discussions by stressing three factors.

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能写故事梗概、论文及正式书信。To summarize stories and write essays and formal letters.

下面的几段就概括了柏拉图的理念论。The following paragraphs summarize Plato's theory of ideas.

简短的说说你有什么证书,但是不要重述简历上的内容。Summarize your credentials, but don't reiterate your resume.

总结起来就是,我死了,就停止了存在。We could summarize this by saying,when I die,I cease to exist.

没有必要在这里重复讨论,不过我会简单总结一下。Rehashing it here is not necessary, but I'll summarize briefly.

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岁末年初,我们应怎样总结在刚刚过去的2004年中国电信业的发展特点?。When the New Year comes, how should we summarize the past 2004?

目的介绍三白草科植物的研究概况和研究进展。OBJECTIVE Summarize the research progress on Saururaceae plants.

方法对经治的93例患者疗效进行总结和比较。Summarize and compare the 93 cases of severe acute pancreatitis.