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他们可能还享有法规保护。They may have statutory protection as well.

它们有些源起于普通法,其他则是属于成文法。Some arise from common law. Others are statutory.

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请问您认为谁应订定第一个最低工资金额?Who should set the initial rate of statutory minimum wage?

法定审计特别审计合并及收购。Statutory audit , special audit , and merger and acqusition.

法定权利是由联邦政府或州法律确定的。Statutory rights are those provided by federal or state law.

它最初是以一种事实上的而非法定的公司形态出现的。It was not a statutory company but a de facto form initially.

法定公益金、福利费的使用方案。The use scheme of statutory welfare reserve and welfare funds.

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而男性的法定带薪休假仅有2周。Men are allowed two weeks of paternity leave, on statutory pay.

刑罚设定问题包括法定刑的设定根据与设定技巧。Penalty set includes the set basis and skill of statutory sentence.

以上是适用于双方的法定及其他非法定。The above is applicable for both statutory and other non-statutory.

清明节在中国大陆地区是法定节假日。The Qingming Festival is a statutory public holiday in mainland China.

成文法典赋于法庭权力与责任。The powers and duties are confered on the tribunal by the statutory code.

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没有司法审查,法定权限将只是一句空话。Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words.

文章同时对法定优先购买权的适用范围进行了探讨。After that, some discussions are made on the scope of statutory Preemption.

除法定补偿外,政府也会按一套特惠补偿方法,发放特惠补偿。Apart from statutory compensation, there is a system of ex gratia payments.

今年,印第安纳州和田纳西州已经采取了成文法的保护措施。Already this year, Indiana and Tennessee have adopted statutory protections.

只有社会危害性程度才能作为法定刑的设定根据。Only the level of social harmfulness can be the basis of statutory sentence.

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代理包括委托代理、法定代理和指定代理。Agency shall include entrusted agency, statutory agency and appointed agency.

法律要求的加班补偿支付给所有员工了吗?B. 4.3 Do all employees receive paid leave according to statutory regulations?

只要是行得通的,法定的生病的费用和保险金象平时一样被支付Statutory sick pay and benefits will be paid as usual, "as far as practicable".