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高跳低开伞降方式。HAL High Altitude Low Opening.

高跳低开伞降方式。HALO- High Altitude Low Opening.

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现在我们的飞行高度是多高?At what altitude are we flying now?

它的射程只有35公里,但是射高很好。Range is about 35km but altitude is good.

飞机开始爬高了。The aeroplane began to climb to altitude.

飞机在三万英尺的高空飞行。The plane flew at an altitude of30000 feet.

我们的飞行高度是20000英尺。We are flying at an altitude of 20000 feet.

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然而,大部分风能潜藏在高海拔区域。But most of this energy is at high altitude.

它位于井冈山风景区的中部,海拔820米。Jing Gang and has an altitude of 820 meters.

山高1500米。The mountain has an altitude of 1,500 metres.

这架飞机在三万英尺的高空飞行。The plane flew at an altitude of 30,000 feet.

高度表–高度测量仪器。ALTIMETER – instrument that measures altitude.

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这就开始了足球的“高海拔辩论”。So began football's "high altitude controversy".

全境平均海拔4000米以上,是世界上面积最大、海拔最高的高原,被称为?The averaged altitude is above 4000 metres high.

那架直升机以海拔2万英尺的高度飞行。The helicopter flew at an altitude of 20000 feet.

此时,我是在擦热受著高原反应的折磨。I was suffering from altitude sickness in Chahare.

平均海拔高出海平面90米。Its average altitude is 90 meters above sea level.

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作好缺氧和高高度紧急情的准备。Preparing for hypoxia and high altitude emergencies.

一对在巡逻的时候另外一个在高空俯视。A pair on patrol and one at high altitude on overwatch.

特别适合于高原和高寒地域使用。Particularly suited to high altitude and cold area use.