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你认为我们的车可维修吗?。Do you think our car is maintainable?

写下良好的组成和易于维护的代码!Write well-composed and easy maintainable code!

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所以,源代码必须清晰易读才可维护。Hence, the source code must be readable to be maintainable.

应用MVC设计风格来编写有组织的、易为维护的代码。Apply MVC design pattern to write organized, easily maintainable code.

Dianne的解决方案很简单、容易理解,具有更好的维护性。Dianne’s solution is simple, easy to understand, and highly maintainable.

要获得组织良好且可维护的站点,您的工作就是摆脱这两个问题。Your job, with a well-organized and maintainable site, is to get rid of both.

世界上最高效、最健壮、最易维护的代码就是不存在的那部分代码。The most efficient, securest , and most maintainable codes are those which do not exist.

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运用插件技术可以开发出伸缩性良好、便于维护的应用程序。By applying the technology of plug-in, we can develop scaleable and maintainable applications.

多用户程序在线编程的实现,则大大提高了机器人的适应性和系统的可维护性。Support multi-program in-circuit programming, which make the robot more adaptive and maintainable.

如果应用程序在生命周期内始终能够满足用户需求,则可认为该应用程序具有可维护性。An application is considered maintainable if it can cater to the needs of the users over its lifetime.

我可以想象组织方面的几种方法,它们可以被很容易地识别和维护。I can imagine several ways of organizing the aspects so they are easily identifiable and maintainable.

既然它很简洁,同时又为这种简洁性提供了强大的特性,那么它应该很容易维护。Since it's quite terse and provide powerful features for succinctness, it should be very maintainable.

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注释,是组织和维护代码的“幕后工作”之一。One of the "behind the scenes" ways of organizing your code and making it maintainable is code commenting.

依赖注入是用小型和单用途部件来构建大型、易维护应用的途径。Dependency Injection is the way to build large, maintainable applications from small, single-purpose parts.

优秀的程序员习惯将代码保持得简短、简单和具有良好的文档记录,以便使其可维护。Good programmers make it a habit to keep code short, simple, and well-documented so that it's maintainable.

在这种情况下,您最小化了远程消息的数目,同时仍然具有相对的可维护性。In this case, you minimize the number of remotable messages and still have a relatively maintainable situation.

因此利用模式建立一个更灵活和可维持的系统成为SOA成功的关键因素。A more flexible and maintainable system built with patterns is therefore a critical element for a successful SOA.

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优秀的应用程序设计和编码实践是实现高性能、可维护的应用程序的基础。Good application design and coding practices are the cornerstones of high-performance, maintainable applications.

提升并没有以维护性写成的代码库的维护性总是十分困难的。It is always very difficult to improve the maintainability of a codebase which was not written to be maintainable.

然而,高危患者以及5-ASA治疗无效者需要采用其他维持治疗方案。However , high risk patients and nonresponders by 5-ASA treatment need to take other maintainable remission project.