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一个是国家海洋博物馆。One is the National Maritime Museum.

填写航海健康申报书。Fill up Maritime Declaration of Health.

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他用海上部队埋设地雷,这些都是合法的目标。He was using maritime forces to lay mines.

我到现在还不习惯这里的海洋性气候。Li I'm not used to this maritime climate yet.

全境属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。All belong to maritime climate temperate forest.

潘先生是伦敦海事协会非执行董事。He is a non-executive Director of Maritime London.

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海难救助是海商法所特有的法律制度。Salvage is a special legal system in maritime law.

我们是一个有关海运公司。We are a company related to Maritime Transportation.

同我们一样,顽强的西西里人也是岛民--沿海而居。Like us, Sicilians are islanders — tough and maritime.

海难救助是海商法的一项独特法律制度。Salvage at sea is a particular system of maritime law.

中国增加了海上巡逻舰艇,以保障海上权益。China adds patrol ships to safeguard maritime interests.

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中国是一个陆权国家,美国是海权国家。China is a continental power. The US is a maritime power.

太平洋西北岸为海洋性气候。The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate.

代表英国海事与海岸警卫署。A. stands for the Maritime & Coastguard Agency of Britain.

你是我的温带海洋性气候一直都是暖暖的。You're my temperate maritime climate being warm all the time.

顺利的航海仿佛也是航空的好预兆。The maritime passage was a good augury for the aerial passage.

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按中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则进行。Rules of Arbitration for China Maritime Arbitration Commission.

船现在在澳大利亚的海事安全局的监护下。Ship now in the custody of Australias Maritime Safety Authority.

笔架山窑的瓷器,已经加入到海上丝绸之路的行列。The China from Bijia Mountain had joined the Maritime Silk Road.