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特大新闻!Big news!

非常大。Very big.

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以大格局来思考。Think big.

一只大老鼠!A big mouse!

又大又蓝?。Big and blue?

嗯,我的大男孩?Yes, big boy?

你大我啊?Do you big me?

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大锣?That big gong?

肥嘟嘟的大脸。Big plump face.

有辆大轿车?Have a big car?

多大才是大?。How big is big?

这是个很大的假设。It is a big if.

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那可大了。That'll be big.

看,是一条大鱼。Look, a big one.

现在意义大不大?Now meaning big?

熊熊说道,“一只大棕熊。”A big brown bear.

大冷的天。Big cold weather.

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培根的大粉丝?Big fan of bacon?

它的树干是大的。Its trunk is big.

我们的班大。Our class is big.