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锅碗瓢盆发出的哐啷声。A rattle of pots and pans.

来吧拨浪鼓它们的制造者。Come on rattle them bones.

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别总叨唠那件小事。Don't rattle over that trifle.

婴儿把他的拨浪鼓扔掉了。The baby threw down its rattle.

传来一阵步枪发出的嗒嗒声。There was a rattle of rifle-fire.

她听见茶具叮当响。She could hear the rattle of the teacups.

我们可以听到牛奶瓶的碰击声。We could hear the rattle of milk bottles.

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只要风一吹,所有的门都响了。When the wind blows all the doors rattle.

那天晚上,我听到门轻轻地响了一下。That night I heard the door rattle softly.

他囊空如洗,身无分文。He hasn't two sixpences to rattle together.

只要一刮风,所有的窗户就吱吱地响。When the wind blows up, all the windows rattle.

早期的拨浪鼓是乐器而非玩具。Early toy rattle is a musical instrument instead.

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她的女儿能轻易而迅速地弹奏施特劳斯作的任何圆舞曲。Her daughter can rattle off any waltz by Strauss.

时而会有喀拉作响的大型有轨街车轻快地开过。Sometimes a large tram would rattle swiftly past.

但是,它会使你要会见的人心慌意乱。It may, however, rattle the people you're meeting.

我认为拨浪鼓我的兄弟。他笑着首席运营官。I hold a rattle for my brother. He laughs and coos.

只要一刮风,所有的窗户都吱吱地响。E. g. When the wind blows up, all the windows rattle.

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如果响尾蛇咬了阿泰,那它死定了。If a Rattle snake bit Ron Artest, the snake would die.

我想我们已经让其他竞争者们慌了手脚。I think we're beginning to rattle the other contenders.

在这个温暖的春天的早晨,我们打扰了这里的宁静。We rattle down a quiet avenue on a warm spring morning.