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安捷企业有限公司。Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited.

曼谷等于是没有都市计划。Well, Bangkok virtually has no plan.

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曼谷在一天天地下沉。BANGKOK — Day after day, Bangkok sinks.

鲍尔德一家下星期一要到曼谷去。The Balds will go to Bangkok next Monday.

我在雕塑揭幕后离开了曼谷。My sculpture was unveiled. I left Bangkok.

曼谷有纵横交错的运河网。Bangkok is crisscrossed by a network of klongs.

泰国的唐人街坐落在耀华丽路。Bangkok"s Chinatown is located on Yaowarat Road.

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她将经曼谷归国。She will return to his country by way of Bangkok.

第一位持火炬者是曼谷的副市长。The first torchbearer is a vice mayor of Bangkok.

这是对泰航前往曼谷的260次航班的最后一次通报。This is the final call for TG flight 260 to Bangkok.

访问我们的网站在这里活动的十二大照片从曼谷。Visit our event site here for XII photos from Bangkok.

我是否可以从伦敦出发,中途停靠孟买,最后到达曼谷?Can I travel from London to Bangkok with a stop in Mumbai?

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挑著扁担在曼谷街头卖食物的小贩。A street vender of foods with her carrying pole in Bangkok.

我觉得曼谷的道路比内地的差。I think roads in Bangkok are worse than that of upcountry's.

能否订一个这周五TG898航班去曼谷的座位。May I have a seat on your flight TG898 to Bangkok this Friday?

泰国国际航空公司来回曼谷至喀比机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Bangkok and Krabi on TG.

车我觉得曼谷的道路比内地的差。Car I think roads in Bangkok are worse than that of upcountry 's.

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在曼谷的头两个小时,我就为市区的交通堵塞所困。I spent my first two hours in Bangkok stuck in crosstown traffic.

我和我太太每次来曼谷都要入住自然威乐酒店。My wife and I stay in natural ville every time we are in bangkok.

去年十一月,曼谷玉佛寺入口处的隐医和夜叉。Last November, Hermit Doctor and yaksha in Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok.