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教堂的墓地一阵雨。A churchyard shower.

离胡格诺派的教会墓地不远。Huguenot churchyard near there.

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一道边门通往教堂墓地。A side gate led into the churchyard.

他祖父葬于教堂的墓地。His grandfather lies in the churchyard.

反过来L和进入圣潘克拉斯墓地。Turn L and enter St Pancras churchyard.

他们在教堂墓地里把死者埋葬了。They buried the corpse in the churchyard.

松柏夹道的墓地,心碎神伤Through churchyard paths of cypress and of yew

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要在晚上运到礼拜堂的墓园。It is to be carried to the churchyard in the evening.

他的双亲现在长眠于本地教堂墓地。His parents were now reposing in the local churchyard.

她祖母的遗体长眠于教堂的墓地中。The body of her grandmother reposes in the churchyard.

家人把已故的亲属葬在教堂墓地。The family buried the dead relatives in the churchyard.

你自己清楚,别到教堂墓地里去。You know you’re not supposed to go into the churchyard.

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那灰色的教堂显得更灰色,那孤寂的墓园也更孤寂。The grey church looked greyer, and the lonely churchyard lonelier.

这个小墓地被一道生锈的锻铁栅栏围着。The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought-iron fence.

不大的教堂墓地周边围着一圈生锈的熟铁栅栏。The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought -iron fence.

粗犷,生硬的音符,像墓地围墙上的石头般。Rough- hewn , angular notes, like stones in the wall of a churchyard.

当这幅画上一次被出售——在1884年——时,柯比朗斯代尔教堂院落得到了820坚尼。When it was last sold in 1884, Kirkby Lonsdale Churchyard fetched 820 guineas.

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走在行进队伍最前面的教区牧师刚刚向右转弯,朝着教堂墓地走去。The parson, heading the procession, had just turned right towards the churchyard.

当老制篮商要求的这一天来到时,老制篮商来到了村里,并在教堂墙前坐了下来。When the day came, the old basket-maker came to town, and sat on the churchyard wall.

罗尼攥紧拳头沿着蒂姆刚才进入的位置快速进入教堂墓地。Ronnie balled up his fists and hurried to the spot where Tim had entered the churchyard.