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风化壳和土壤。Regolith and soil.

我们为什么要学习土壤学?Why do we study soil?

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虫翻土.The worm turns the soil.

他们有肥沃的土地。They have a fecund soil.

对土壤生物有毒。Toxic to soil organisms.

他挥金如土。He spends gold like soil.

鸡、狗、风抑是土壤?Chicken, dog, wind, or soil?

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这里的土质很松。The soil here is very loose.

我是土生土长的深圳人。The soil here is very moist.

泥土黑润肥沃。The soil was damp and black.

这能够使泥土更快变干。This will help dry the soil.

这块土地上玉米长得很好。Corns grow well in this soil.

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脑白金的广告片很“土”吧?Melatonin promos very "soil"?

有多少人死在了异国他乡?How many died on foreign soil?

旱稻生长在旱地上。Upland rice grows in dry soil.

如果土壤酸度高则向土壤中加石灰。Add lime if the soil is acidic.

它起源于美国。It originated on American soil.

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作物在肥沃的黑土地里生长。Plants grow in rich, dark soil.

这儿的土够肥的。The soil here is quite fertile.

土壤施肥料后变肥沃了。All soil like that without dung.