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现在崔和夏绿蒂已经打开了沟通的之门。Now that Trey and Charlotte had opened the door of communication.

对了,像特里说的,听天由命。Oh well, like Trey said, inshallah , which meant, like, whatever.

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当小崔告诉妮可他今天所遇到的怪事,她突然笑了出来。When Trey told Nicole about his strange day, she burst out laughing.

10年前上主日学校,我跟特雷同班,我们就是在那儿结识的。I met Trey 10 years ago when we attended the same Sunday school class.

比赛那天,爸爸妈妈以及特雷坐在观众席上为我加油。Mom, Dad and Trey sat in the stands to cheer me on the day of the race.

在特雷什维尔和库马西区,几乎所有商店大门紧闭。Trey and Kumasi District in Nashville, almost all the shops closed the door.

又或者崔和马特是无神论者呢?Would you risk the wrath of our cosmic head honcho and does this mean Trey and Matt are atheists?

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夫妻俩于1995年12月离婚,儿子威拉德·C·“特利”史密斯三世由他抚养。The couple divorced in December 1995, and Smith relinquished custody of their son Willard C. "Trey" Smith III.

“没事,”古尔维奇写道,“马特和特雷来纽约的时候我们还打算和他们碰个面。”“All is well, ” Mr. Gurewitch wrote, “and we’re going to meet up with Matt and Trey when they’re in New York.”

与这种观点相对立的,就是小保罗在共和党预选的对手特雷·格雷森,他在一开始试图单凭自己的政绩来竞选。Against such a narrative, Paul's Republicanprimary opponent, Trey Grayson, at first tried to run on his own record.

马里昂在离常规时间结束15秒前有一个无人防守的扣篮,然而阿伦在剩下4.4秒是又投进一球。Marion provided a go-ahead dunk with 15 seconds left in regulation before Allen answered with a trey with 4.4 seconds to play.

鲁迪·朱利安尼今天公开支持了肯塔基州现任州务卿特雷·格雷森竞选参议员,角逐共和党参议员吉姆·邦宁放弃连任后空出的席位。Rudy Giuliani today has endorsed KentuckySecretary of State Trey Grayson for the seat being relinquished by GOP Sen. JimBunning.

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在30秒广告的最后,小保罗对着镜头说,“特雷·格雷森,你丢脸的电视广告是一个谎言,让你的名誉蒙受了耻辱。”At the end of the 30-second spot, Paul looks into the cameraand says, "Trey Grayson, your shameful TV ad is a lie, and it dishonorsyou."

我就想知道,崔和马特有没有产生过某种闪念,他们是否会担心在死后简单上帝该咋办捏?I've wondered if Trey and Matt and anyone involved in the production ever have fleeting moments of worry about meeting God in the afterlife.

那天晚上,夏绿蒂发现她被防尘饰边、鸭子和邦妮困扰着。但是第二天早上,崔根本无法与任何人说话。That night, Charlotte found herself haunted by dust ruffles , ducks and Bunny. But the next morning, Trey was in no condition to talk to anyone.

当我最终扔掉拐杖,重新振作起来,准备恢复以前的腿力时,特雷陪我到中学的沥青跑道上一圈一圈地跑。When I finally got off my crutches, I pushed myself to regain my former mobility. Trey ran laps with me around the black tar track at my high school.

纽约州立大学的社会学家特洛伊·达斯特说,“那些声称可以进行血统检测的人,他们兜售的测试有一定的不准确性”。“There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist.

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纽约州立大学的社会学家特洛伊·达斯特说,“那些声称可以进行血统检测的人,他们兜售的测试有一定的不准确性”。"There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing, " says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist.

74岁的保罗父亲幕后运筹帷幄,帮助儿子兰德,在肯塔基州参议员初选中击败了大热门-肯塔基州州务卿-特里.格雷森。The elder Mr. Paul, 74, dispensed behind-the-scenes advice during his son’s bid for the Senate seat, in which he upset the favorite, Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson.

“那只是因为我们要在六天之内赶好这集动画,而我们头脑转不过来,所以只能把那些想法加进去”南方公园主创马特·斯通在周五的电话访问中说,另一名主创是特雷·帕克。“It’s just because we do the show in six days, and we’re stupid and we just threw it together, ” Matt Stone, who created “South Park” with Trey Parker, said Friday in a telephone interview.