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您认为有某种类似石蕊试纸的东西可以帮助判断吗?Do you see some sort of litmus test?

现在,我不会提供石蕊测试。Now, I would not provide a litmus test.

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当然了,原则就像一个石蕊试纸试验。Rather, the principle is a litmus test.

帕弗瑞说,我认为中国市场是这一问题的决定性考验。I think the Chinese market is the litmus test for that.

它还需要一个“石蕊试验”,以决定是否是“良好的服务”。It requires a "Litmus Test", which determines a "good service".

恢复一个民主的阿拉伯的尊严的真正的考验就在于此。The litmus test of the recovery of a democratic Arab dignity lies there.

除了有酸味以外,酸还能使石蕊由蓝色变成红色。Besides having a sour test , acids change the colour of litmus from blue to red.

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奥巴马谨慎的说他不会在潜在被提名人中进行试金石测试。Obama was careful to say that he would impose no litmus test on potential nominees.

一个国家内部的稳定程度是其值得信任度的试金石。The degree of internal stability is the litmus test of nation's credit- worthiness.

水解干酪素、胨化石蕊牛奶最后变碱。This strain hydrolyzes casein, and peptonizes litmus milk and turns it into alkaline.

就如一张检验你是在通往幸福还是悔恨的道路上的石蕊试纸一般。What's a quick litmus test to determine if you're on the path to happiness or regret?

新加坡医疗系统的真正考验是面对突如其来的“袭击”时,是否能迅速回应。The litmus test of our health-care system lies in its ability to react quickly to a sudden "attack".

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但最后的检验将来自于更大范围内的经济状况是否已有足够的活力来支持需求.But the litmus test for commodities will be whether the broader economy shows enough vigor to support demand.

阿巴斯则坚持停建定居点是测试内塔尼亚胡达成协议诚意的试金石。Mr Abbas insists a settlement freeze remains the litmus test of Mr Netanyahu's sincerity for concluding a deal.

中国在下周美国公债标售上的参与程度,可成为检验其宣布推进汇改后的美债买兴的试金石.China's participation at next week's debt auctions will serve as an early litmus test on its latest currency move.

一个强有力的战略原则会在竞争资源间寻求平衡,对决策进行检验。A powerful strategic principle forces trade-offs between competing resources and provides a litmus test for decisions.

狼的命运被自然环境保护主义者们视为美国保护自然遗产的试金石。The fate of the wolf is taken by conservationists as a litmus test of America's ability to safeguard its natural heritage.

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这种变化虽然不同于碱滴定酸时石蕊由红到蓝的突然转变,但也相差不远了。It was not quite the sudden shift from litmus red to blue of an acid being neutralised by an alkali, but it was not far off.

萨司利克说,酸味只是酸度的另一种表述方式,任何一间中学的化学学生都可以用石蕊试纸进行它的测量。Sourness is just another word for acidity, Suslick said, which any high school chemistry student can test for using litmus paper.

将二氧化硫通入石蕊试液,若不加热,石蕊变红后能否自行变回原色?Connect2oxidation sulfur shi rui to try juice if do not heat after is litmus erubescent whether change by oneself a primary colors ?