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梅森的声音动人心弦。Mason's voice was mellow.

去喝它,它是清醇的酒!Go and drink it, mellow wine!

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去喝它,它是清醇的酒!Go and drink it, the mellow wine!

谢谢。这酒看上去特别醇厚。Thank you. The wine looks very mellow.

品过了一杯醇正的白兰地之后。Having tasted a glass of mellow brandy.

雾霭迷濛、硕果芳醇的秋!SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness!

雾气弥散、瓜果飘香的成熟之季!Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!

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雾霭的季节,果实圆熟的时令。Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.

到一处美好而幽暗的地方,放松。Go somewhere mellow and dimly lit. Relax.

九月的爱火使我们快乐The fire of September that made us mellow

醇酒和熟透了的水果是那样诱人。The mellow wine or fruit are so inviting.

这是绍兴出产的一种醇酒。It is a kind of mellow wine fom Shao xing.

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醇酒和熟透了的水果是这样诱人。The mellow wine and fruit are so inviting.

这些年来,我看到他变得更加圆熟了。I"ve seen him grow more mellow over the years."

冲泡后,有天然的兰花香,滋味纯浓。The tea has orchid aroma and tastes mellow and thick.

在最近的电话采访中他的语气听来安详而和蔼、却并不伤感。On the phone recently he sounded mellow but not mushy.

清醇甘甜之美,星月深空之幽。Mellow sweetness, beauty of field of deep space unseen.

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醇香丰盈、顺喉、圆浑,带来如丝般感觉。Mellow rich, smooth throat, rounded, bringing silky feel.

相反,婚姻使男人变成熟则已久为人知。In contrast, marriage has long been known to mellow men out.

醇厚人们通常属于这个网上daters77。Mellow people usually belong to this group of online daters.