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不要使问题复杂化了。Don't perplex the issue.

而且,这也是困扰了我很久的问题。In addition, this is what perplex me a lot.

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这个制造商继续用酒困扰我。This maker continues to perplex me with this wine.

你说你雾里看花,我却淡然笑之又笑。You said you perplex of couse, but I laugh and laughed.

这个问题确实很难,连老师都迷惑不解。This problem is hard enough to perplex even the teacher.

下星期就考托福了,我却突然觉得迷惘起来。Only a week before the TOEFL, I feel perplex all of a moment.

普京的崛起至今让克林姆林宫的观察家们感到迷惑。Putin\'s rise continues to perplex even devoted Kremlin observers.

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这些都是困扰竞技体操运动发展的问题。All these are the questions to perplex the development of gymnastics.

贫困问题始终是困扰人类社会进步的一个重大问题。Poverty is always a big problem which perplex the development of society.

证人拒证是困扰司法实践的一大难题。Testifier refusing bearing witness is one of the important puzzles to perplex judicial practice.

语文课上,困扰教师最多的是孩子阅读和写作能力的提高。Perplex a teacher on the language lesson most of is a kid reading and writing skill of exaltation.

番茄采后的腐烂一直是困扰番茄业发展的一个大问题。Post-harvest diseases of tomato have been a big problem to perplex the development of tomato industry.

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差异的多寡是件极为微妙的事务,这极容易使一个英国人在审视美国时大惑不解。The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America.

然而这种差异却是含混暧昧的,总是让一个英国人在看美国的时候觉得是在雾里看花。The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America.

强生公司出现的制造和质量问题,种类如此之多、数量如此之大、持续时间如些之长,确实让一些行业观察人士感到大惑不解。THE variety, magnitude and duration of the manufacturing and quality problems perplex some industry watchers.

这个问题甚至让最有学识的人困惑,对于年轻的亚瑟来说,似乎是一个不甘肃酒泉因何得名可无解之密。Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impo ible query.

目前,偷逃税问题在世界各国都是一个重要且令税务机关极为“头疼”的问题。At present, evading taxes is a very important problem in the world, which also perplex tax office of each country.

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这样一个问题甚至可以难到最聪明的人,对年轻的亚瑟王来说,这就像一个不可解的问题。Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and, to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query.

但一些怪诞的事情开始困扰她,她常梦见一个相貌恐怖、浑身湿透的女鬼。But a few strange things begin to perplex her, she often dreams of an appearance horror, all over drenched female ghost.

但是,这些潜在的不为人知的武器继续困扰着我们,并影响着我们对于未来战争和恐怖主义的看法。But these potentially anonymous weapons continue to perplex and confound our thinking about the future of war and terrorism.