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你声音嘶哑有多长时间了?How long have you had hoarseness?

蝉声嘶晚月,孤枕梦如何。Cicada hoarseness late January, Guzhen dream is.

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昨天下午,左驰副局长声音沙哑地说。Yesterday afternoon, left Chi DS hoarseness said.

但声音嘶哑也有可能是某些更糟糕疾病的症状。But hoarseness can also be a sign of something worse.

患者短期内出现发声嘶哑及呼吸困难。Hoarseness and dyspnea usually appeared in the early stage.

声门区狭窄有不同程度的发音嘶哑。There were different phonetic hoarseness of glottic stenosis.

为临床提供声音嘶哑的客观指标。Normal of the hoarseness were provided for clinical measurement.

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术后吞咽、呼吸功能恢复好,但有声音嘶哑。Functions of respiration and deglutition are good but existent hoarseness.

结果术后两周,全部患者声音嘶哑均较术前好转。Results The hoarseness of all the cases improved on 2 weeks after operation.

我们想真正让人们注意到,嘶哑不仅仅是一种症状。We want to really call attention to the fact that hoarseness is not just a symptom.

最常见的体征和症状是声音嘶哑和可触及的下颌下肿块。The most common signs and symptoms are hoarseness and a palpable submandibular mass.

谁能想到,胃里的毛病居然会导致嗓音沙哑呢?Who would have thought that something to do with your stomach would cause hoarseness?

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手术后声音嘶哑恢复正常2例,声音嘶哑无改善1例。Postoperative hoarseness disappeared in 2 patients, while it did not improve in 1 case.

医生们还被告知,口服给药服用类固醇或者抗生素来治疗嘶哑同样不被推荐。And doctors are told that steroids or antibiotics given by mouth are not recommended for hoarseness.

所有患者术后均未发生气管狭窄,除2例无声音嘶哑外,余5例均有不同程度声音嘶哑。No tracheal stenosis occurred except for presence of hoarseness in 5 and absence of hoarseness in 2.

专家认为,每年人们因为嘶哑而误工造成的产值损失达到几十亿美元。Experts say hoarseness costs several billion dollars a year in lost productivity from people missing work.

治疗组除2例有口干,1例声音嘶哑外,无其它不良反应。No serious side-effects were foupd except that xerostomia in 2 cases and hoarseness in 1 case were observed.

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最常见的不良反应事件,在目前研究的语音改建期间的激励和声音嘶哑。The most common adverse events in the current study were voice alteration during stimulation and hoarseness.

如果声音嘶哑一直在持续或是病因不明确,医生应该进行喉镜检查。If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy.

无甲亢危象,无血肿寂激期抽搐,声嘶等厉害并发症发生。No hyperthyroidism crisis, no hematoma and long-term convulsions, hoarseness and other serious complications.