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我们队道义逻辑知之甚少。We know very little of deontic logic.

道义逻辑,这是个前沿问题。Deontic logic, now this is cutting edge stuff.

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道义逻辑是哲学逻辑的最重要领域。Deontic logic is the most important of all the philosophical fields.

本文为道义模态逻辑D—系统建立布尔值模型。The paper built a Boolean_valued model for the deontic logical D_system.

于是道义逻辑便是一种以行动逻辑为基础的动态逻辑。Then deontic logic became a theory of dynamic logic based on action logic.

它能满足法律提出的种种逻辑要求,远多于任何一个传统的规范逻辑系统。Such a system may satisfy legal issues better than any traditional deontic logic systems.

这些系统虽然有漂亮的完全性,但都含有一些道义逻辑悖论。Although these systems have perfect completeness, they all contain deontic logic paradoxes.

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他1951年创建的现代道义逻辑系统把所处理的主要客体对象看作是行动的名称。Deontic logic system created by GH. von Wright in 1951 took names of actions as its study object.

莱布尼茨注意到道义模态和传统的模态之间的类似和转换。Leibniz observed the similarity and interchange between deontic modality and traditional modality.

“罗斯悖论”是道义逻辑中的第一个“悖论”,对此中外学者有过诸多研究,见解纷呈。Ross's paradox is the first "paradox" of deontic logic. There are many different remarks on it from Chinese and foreign scholars.

边沁在1780年提出一个关于意志的或者说命令句的逻辑。Bentham presented a logic on will or imperative sentences in 1780. Ernst Mally was the first man who tried to construct deontic logic.

在知识表达领域,在多智能主体系统领域都可以看到道义逻辑在发挥作用。In such domains about knowledge-representation and Multi-Agent Systems we can observe that deontic logic is producing some influences.

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如果说知道逻辑、信念逻辑等是“正”的逻辑的话,怀疑逻辑则是“负”的逻辑。Logic such as knowledge logic, belief logic, deontic logic and so on, can be regarded as 'positive' logic, and doubting logic can be regarded as 'negative' one.

最初,研究者在条件推理中使用道义条件句对四卡片问题进行研究,发现道义条件句对解决四卡片问题具有促进作用。Initially, researchers used deontic conditions in the study of Wason selection task and found that deontic conditions had effect of facilitation in Wason selection task.

该文回顾了儿童对道义情景中心理状态推理的研究,包括儿童对行为者愿望、信念和情绪的推理以及对权威愿望的推理研究。This article reviewed researches about children's inference of mental state which included the actor's desire, belief, emotion and the authority's desire in deontic context.

有些研究者认为要全面了解道义条件推理,就不能把道义条件推理的研究局限在四卡片问题上。In order to have a comprehensive understanding of deontic conditional reasoning, some researchers held that we should not do deontic conditional reasoning only in Wason selection task.

道义逻辑的一个发展趋势是正在从静态逻辑走向动态逻辑。道义逻辑的研究和发展,对于法律规范知识表达具有不可替代的作用。Deontic logic is moving forward dynamic logic from static logic Researching and developing of the deontic logic has an role that can not be replaced for representation of legal knowledge.

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根据国外学者对情态语义的研究,我们可将汉语情态动词分为动力情态、道义情态、知识情态三大类,又可分为表可能性、盖然性、必然性三个等级。In the western literature, modality can be classified into dynamic , deontic , and epistemic modality in terms of "kind", and into possibility, pr ob ability, and necessity in terms of "degree".