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但是这还是值得重复的。But it is worth repeating.

我现在还只是在重复问题。I'm just repeating the problem.

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我觉得重复这个有点儿没意思。I feel stupid of just repeating it.

我对你的思念就是一个循环小数。I miss you is a repeating decimals?

它对复制自己无能为力。It's incapable of repeating itself.

一个值还可以具有重复字段。A value can also have repeating fields.

我们要避免重犯这些错误。We must avoid repeating these mistakes.

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多针吊边是一个重复的细节。Multi-stitch hems are a repeating detail.

连弩可以被快速填装影响了…Rapid reload now affects repeating crossbows.

试着复述有英国口音的人说的话。Try repeating people who have British accents.

这些你们都看过了。There is--This is just repeating what you've seen.

你可以做个总结也可以重复一下听到的话。Do this by summarising and repeating what you heard.

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有非常一致的字符重复序列。We have very consistent character repeating sequences.

当他们罗罗嗦唆重复一些老掉牙的故事。When they are naggingly repeating some age-old stories.

计算下面各题,哪些是循环小数?Do the following problems. Which are repeating decimals ?

不停地重复,直到他们的态度改变或他们停止。Keep repeating until their attitude changes or they stop.

承认你对婚姻失败负有责任,从而避免重蹈覆辙。Acknowledge your role in it so you can avoid repeating it.

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我们重复了这个游戏,重复了又怎么样了呢It's true we repeated it but what is it about repeating it?

我们最关心的就是如何避免他们再次犯罪。Our main concern is how to keep them from repeating crimes.

最简单的重复性设计可由单张卡片完成。The simplest, repeating designs could fit on a single card.