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豆腐是一种类似低胆固醇的良药。Tofu is as good as medicine for lowing cholesterol

他们住在阳光普照的帐篷里,与“哞哞”叫唤的牛群为伴。They lived in sunkissed tents amid the lowing herds.

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冬天,为节约能源有些人在夜里把热气调小。In winter, some people conserve energy by lowing the heat at night.

我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞叫。We love the smell of the earth warming and the sound of cattle lowing.

提高冶炼强度,应与降低焦比并举。Both enhancing the smelting intensity and lowing the coke rate are necessary.

绳式吊装带的特点是小巧、灵活,可以捆绑、拖拉货物,适应多种环境的作业。Rope sling is small and flexible. It can be used for binding and lowing goods.

冬天,为俭朴动力有些人在夜里把暖气调小。In winter- some people conserve energy by lowing the heat throughout the night.

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在降低成本压力的情况下,他们开始对其自身的物流体系进行调整。And they start to adjust their logistics system under the pressure of lowing cost.

在鱼死亡后,随着鲜度的下降,它的食用价值也随之降低。The edibleness will decrease with the lowing of the fish freshness after the death of fish.

经分析发现,煤质变差,煤泥量大幅度增加是影响精煤产率的关键。The key reasons of lowing of cleaned ratio coal were bad coal quality and large increase in sludge.

新市长被指控未能履行降低通货膨胀率的承诺。The new Major is made a charge against failure to fulfill his promise on lowing the Inflation Rate.

除了对项目的美观性和艺术性的考虑,她也成功地降低了项目的投资成本。Besides the consideration of art and aesthetics , she also succeed in lowing the cost of investment.

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上述结果说明,南美斑潜蝇向北扩散过程包含了包括SCP逐步降低的适应机制。The results imply that an adaptive course of lowing SCP involves in the species dispersing northwards.

你又出现在我面前。眉眼低垂。转身带走一整个城市的雨水。You reappeared before me, lowing your head. Your turning about brought away the rain of the whole city.

可打木塞钉于墙体,不须做防水处理,降低成本,加快施工进度。It can nail a tie plug on the wall, it needn't doing waterproof treatment, lowing cost and quickening working.

径流规律分析结果表明,其退水过程按对数曲线规律变化。The law of runoff is analyzed, the results indicate that the water lowing pattern conforms to logarithmic function.

并对本地区眼外伤的致伤特点、预防及如何降低盲目率等问题作了初步探讨。The characteristics of eye injury, the prevention and the lowing of blindness rate in this region are also discussed.

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受全地球金融危急的阻碍,今年中国出口将保持低速增长甚至负增长。Influenced by the global financial crisis, the exporting be to stay lowing developement even minus in China that season.

采用吡啶甲酸铬、乳酸锌和可溶性膳食纤维等作为功能成分制备辅助调节血糖的保健奶粉。Diet fiber, chromium picolinate and zinc lactic are the effective components for lowing blood glucose level in human body.

目的比较硝酸甘油舌下滴服与滴鼻对苏醒期高血压的降压效果及舒适度。Objective To compare the lowing pressure effect and comfort degree of dropping Nitroglycerin under tongue and nose dropping.