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这番话激起了一个少将的反驳。That prompted a retort from Rear Adm.

融合物浸泡液中阿霉素的浓度。The concentration of ADM in the mixture was measured.

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之后李舜臣决定带领一半的板屋船出征。Adm. yi sun-sin decided to lead half board house boat.

负责人事行政方面基础工作。To be responsible for the HR & Adm . aspect foundation work.

该行动将通过海军上将指挥,从那不勒斯塞缪尔j的洛克利尔。The operation will be commanded from Naples by Adm. Samuel J. Locklear.

陈炳德说,南中国海是他向穆伦提出的第一个问题。Chen said that the South China Sea was the first issue he raised with Adm.

朝廷此时又下赐军马给李舜臣让他用作陆战。Court at this time and give adm. yi sun-sin charger let he used as a Marine.

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回到抚军司后,尹斗寿希望光海君能惩处李舜臣。Return to FuJun division, Yin Dou hope to punish adm. yi sun-sin light sea king.

哪次任务里该隐上将要求帕嘉索斯号和卡拉狄加号并肩作战?。What mission does Adm . Cain order the Pegasus and the Galactica to take on together?

我曾参与过一个项目并从SOA的角度对ADM进行了重定义,如图3所示的。I have taken an initiative and re-defined the ADM from SOA perspective as shown in Figure 3.

伊尔玛科娃声称大豆和大豆蛋白提取物购自荷兰的ADM公司。Ermakova states that RR soybeans and protein isolate were purchased from ADM in the Netherlands.

宣祖下令水军禁止建造龟甲船,遭到了李舜臣的反对。XuanZu ordered a ban tortoiseshell ship water-forces, encountered opposition from adm. yi sun-sin.

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如果我们出口更多的廉价玉米美国防部将损失财政收入,而世界将获得一片净土。ADM will loose revenue but the World will be a better place if we export more corn at a lower price.

马伦指责这两个人是袭击事件的操控者,并说金正日的领导认人不安。Adm. Mullen blamed both men for the attacks, and said the elder Mr. Kim's leadership is "worrisome."

如果阿达玛上将要求他的船员“把小鸟飞上天”,他实际上是想要他们干么?If Adm. Adama orders his crew to "get the birds in the air, " what does he actually want them to do?

而李舜臣也接到了命令,却担心这是尹斗寿布下的局。But adm. yi sun-sin also received the command, but worry that this set is Yin Dou longevity by bureau.

尹斗寿因此更是认定李舜臣的野心,决定亲自到军营看看实情。Yin Dou longevity so that adm. yi sun-sin ambitions, decided to personally to see the truth of the camp.

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沈惟敬代表明军南下,以视察朝鲜军为名义,给李舜臣施压。Shen Weijing generation show that the south, in the name, visited north Korea army to adm. yi sun-sin pressure.

上周,美军海军作战部主任加里。罗夫海德说,在利比亚的作战费用可以忽略不计。U. S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead said last week that the operational costs in Libya were negligible.

阿丹米称这些储存的谷物将供给国内的加工厂,当地奶制品厂商以及出口至海外市场。ADM said grain from the facilities will supply its domestic processing plants, local dairy operations and export markets.