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基础训练对跨栏非常重要。B. Basic conditioning is very important to good hurdling.

个跨栏周期的平均速度是影响运动员能否夺冠的主要因素。The average speed of 9 periods of hurdling is the main factor in fluencing.

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跨越障碍并看到自己的进步,使生活变得更有价值。Hurdling obstacles and watching yourself progress is what makes life worth living.

越过障碍接近木星的探测器能承受剧烈的减速吗?Hurdling down toward the planet, could the probe endure such a drastic deceleration?

跨栏赛跑需要在快速的冲刺中拉伸和扭曲整个身体。Hurdling is something that involves my whole body being stretched and contorted in quick bursts.

在跨栏跑项目中运动员需要跨过十个栏。Hurdling events are dashes in which competitors must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles.

在跨栏项目中,运动员需要跨过十个栏。Hurdling events are dashes in which competitions must clear a series of ten barriers called hurdles.

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要提高跨栏专项成绩,就必须解决好栏上的过栏速度和栏间平跑速度。To promote hurdling performances, we must raise the speed of clearing and of steady running between the hurdles.

这张照片的主人公是一个我们都十分熟悉的人物,著名的中国跨栏运动员、奥运会金牌得主刘翔。In the photo is someone most of us are familiar with, Liu Xiang, the young Chinese Olympic gold medal winner in hurdling.

尽管跨栏只是纯粹要求跑步和跳跃的运动,但是运动员进行其它种类的训练还是很重要。Although hurdling is a sport that purely requires running and jumping, it's important to be athletic enough to do other things.

在2008年瓦伦西亚锦标赛上,他击败美国人阿兰·约翰逊赢得了60米跨栏的金牌。In the 2008 championships, he beat American Allen Johnson to win the gold medal in the 60-meters hurdling competition in Valencia.

每当上司从你身边经过或看向你的方向时,装作病得十分难受还要处理工作。Whenever your supervisor passes by or looks at your direction, act like your are completely suffering while hurdling your workload.

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基础训练对跨栏非常重要。增前身体各部分肌肉的协调与平衡是关键。B. Basic conditioning is very important to good hurdling. Improvement of all muscle groups in a balanced fashion should be the goal.

哈里森-迪拉德在八岁的时候就开始跨栏项目的训练,那时他用从废旧汽车坐垫下找来的弹簧作为障碍在跑道上训练。Harrison Dillard began hurdling at the age of eight, running in an alley and using the springs from abandoned car seats as barriers.

刘翔最初是个跳高运动员,15岁那年他原来的体校放弃了他,他因此转向了跨栏项目,这在运动员中是不多见的。Originally a high-jumper, Mr.Liu made an unusual switch into hurdling at age 15, after his original sports school had given up on him.

她抬起头,大吃一惊。她像一个奥林匹克赛跑选手一样跑起来了,接着又像一个跨栏高手一样跨越过两个垃圾桶,溜进了家里。She looks up and nearly jumps out of her skin. She runs like an Olympic sprinter, hurdling two garbage cans before reaching her house.

刘翔最初是个跳高运动员,15岁那年他原来的体校放弃了他,他因此转向了跨栏项目,这在运动员中是不多见的。Originally a high-jumper, Mr. Liu made an unusual switch into hurdling at age 15, after his original sports school had given up on him.

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这些模式的形成是物质空间和行为空间受到不同制约因子作用后的结果。These models come into being as the result of the functioning of different hurdling elements on substantial space and behavioral space.

想像一下在地上的那位可怜的哥们儿,正等着红灯呢,就眼看着五辆燃着大火的车从天上向他砸过来。Imagine the poor guy on the ground, sitting there at a red light, as a flaming five car pile-up is hurdling down towards him from the sky.

在约100名小学生的围观下,刘翔讲了跨栏的数种方式,并为孩子们进行了示范。Surrounded by about 100 pupils, Liu spoke about various hurdling methods and demonstrated the hurdling to the pupils for about 20 minutes.