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与七星公园的马儿“眉目传情”。Ogle with little horse in Seven Star Park.

这就是为什么男人都喜欢眄李帕米拉安德森。That's why men like to ogle Pamela Lee Anderson.

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有目光接触其他人,但确保你不要盯或眉目传情。Have eye contact with others but make sure you do not stare or ogle.

记住目光中应该透露出你慎重以及尊敬。Do not ogle her. Just remember to use discretion and show proper respect.

在男女混合的课堂里,女性会担心男性到场只是为了色迷迷地打量她们。In mixed classes, women are concerned that men are there just to ogle them.

在你女朋友的面前最好不要跟别的女人眉来眼去,这样会让她忌妒。Don't ogle at other girls in front of your girlfriend. It'll make her jealous.

允许我们四处张望。如果我们不看其他女人,怎么知道你有多美?Let us ogle. If we don't look at other women, how can we know how pretty you are?

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你知道,盯着女侍者的屁胤股看是一回事,但是这个,是有妇之夫的手腕。You know, it's one thing to ogle a waitress's bum, but this is the wrist of a married woman.

你的男朋友在你面前可能会跟别的女人眉来眼去,因为他相信这样做可以证明他很具有男性的魅力。Your boyfriend may ogle other girls in front of you because he believes it proves he's macho.

你大可在墓穴里安装一台倒置潜望镜,变态的过路人可以饥渴地窥视你。You could install a reverse periscope in your headstone so morbid voyeurs could come and ogle you.

男人去脱衣舞俱乐部跟辣妹眉来眼去,显然会惹恼她的另一半。When guys go to strip clubs to ogle "hot bodies," it's certainly annoying to their significant others.

法国城市里的女人都蜂拥到这家商店,专注地看这些男模特展示他们最宝贵的资本。Women in the French city are flocking to the store to ogle the male models as they show off their best assets.

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今时今日,在网络上,你一分钟看到的裸体——比维多利亚时代最淫滥的人一生看过的——还要多。Today you can ogle more naked bodies in a single minute online than the most promiscuous Victorian could have seen in a lifetime.

每年有140,000多游客涌向这座偏僻的岛屿,向布满仙人掌的风景和奇异的野生动物传递深情。Every year, more than 140,000 tourists descend on the isolated archipelago to ogle its cactus-studded scenery and bizarre wildlife.

英国上尉查洛纳·奥格勒设计捕获了罗伯兹,并用排炮攻击了他的船。British captain Chaloner Ogle trapped Roberts and with a broadside attack using cannons at his ship killed Barthelemew Roberts in 1722.

中国游客涌向丹东——一个位于中国与朝鲜皿煮主义人民共和国的边界西边的城市——来和他们不幸的邻居眉来眼去。Chinese tourists now flock to Dandong — which lies along China's western border with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea — to ogle at their unfortunate neighbors.

以前我们谈些风花雪月的事,用眉目传情的夜晚和微笑相对的午后,可以打发一个季节,我们可以忽略彼此微妙的变化,为爱沉醉。In the past we can kill one reason by talking about sentimental wrightings and ogle at night, smiling at each other after noon, with neglecting mutual delicate change and intoxicated for love.