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我喜欢这首歌的原版和混音版。This song I like in original and remix too.

他们加入了舞蹈的拍子,说这个就是混音。They just stick it over a dance beat and call it a remix.

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每个新的想法,不过是以前想法的混合与拼接。Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of previous ideas.

我的朋友把曲子重新编成快节奏感的歌。My friend made a remix of a song and it had a much faster beat.

把阮玲玉电影的几个镜头和上海老歌新合成混一起。Mix of the movie "Center Stage" with a remix of Shanghai old song.

2009年一个新的混合易夫人再次,生产与DJ尼古拉法萨诺。In 2009 a new remix of "Easy Lady" again, produced with DJ Nicola Fasano.

之后才加入到制作过程当中,将原声带进行混合重组,并将它们拿到市场上发行。I go in, and I remix and produce the sound that they have, and we put them out.

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欢迎来到幸福村!叮当声混音版被视为新的白色圣诞节!Welcome to Happyville SEA! Jingle Bells remix is considered the new White Christmas!

我不想透露任何关于项目管理之前已经同意的混合。I didn't want to disclose anything about the project before the management had okayed the remix.

现在我们所依赖的是一套以其新而有效的方式聚合并重组网络上“微内容”的新工具。Now we’re looking to a new set of tools to aggregate and remix microcontent in new and useful ways.

而猪流感病毒则是生物机体,它是一种由古老的流感病毒混合而成的特别的新病毒。The swine flu virus is a biological organism, a unique remix of genes from older influenza viruses.

所以我们想建立起一种完全基于开放化标准的环境,让人们可以编排视频。So we want to build a completely open standards-based environment that people can use to remix video.

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科罗维加入时代华纳在其爱计划回收杂志的主要都市地区的美国它也支持直复营销协会。Verso joins Time Warner in its ReMix program—recycling magazines in major metropolitan areas of the U.

海盗湾官方很赞成这一举动,并且鼓励每个人都去下载,再混合以及分享。The Pirate Bay crew officially endorsed the anthem, and encourages everyone to download, remix and share it.

没那回事,倒是有一个作词家谈论过一张他们自己的混音专辑,他们也有一盒枪版磁带。No, that came from a story where a writer talked about a remix album of theirs and had an advance tape of it.

学会组合解决方案和创造新的东西意味着要意识到其他问题是怎样被解决的。Learning to remix solutions and create something new means being aware of how other problems have been solved.

夜晚,美国堪萨斯州举办的展会周围,旋转着游乐设施的灯光绚烂而耀眼。A glowing top in a dizzying spin, the Remix II dazzles patrons wandering the Kansas State Fair midway after dark.

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两项活动受到了当地艺术家们的支持,他们对脍炙人口的可口可乐音调和音乐电视作出了自己的混音效果。Both campaigns are endorsed by local artists with their own remix of the popular Coca-Cola tone and music videos.

我们应该主动寻找那些睿智的声音,这样我们就能在脑海中形成正确的信息。Instead, we should keep on searching for those smart voices, so that we can remix the right data inside our head.

但是我想,还是有这么一些作者的,他们非常独立,例如纪录片制片人和其他不喜欢混合工作的人。But I think that there are authors who are very single mode like documentary producers and others who don’t like the remix part.