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罗兰?比尔克在科伦坡报道。Roland Buerk is in Colombo.

可伦坡之于斯里兰卡的西部,就如金斯敦之于什麽?Colombo is to western Sri Lanka as Kingston is to WHAT?

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国泰航空公司来回香港至可伦坡机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Colombo on CX.

两架反政府泰米尔虎式机袭击了斯里兰卡首都,科伦坡。Two rival Timer Tiger aircrafts have attacked the Sri Lanka capital, Colombo.

纳纳亚卡拉说,至少有一架泰米尔猛虎游击队的飞机攻击了科伦坡。Nanayakkara said at least one suspected Tamil Tiger aircraft attacked Colombo.

科伦坡国立医院的医生说,伤势不会造成生命危险。Doctors at Colombo National Hospital said his injuries were not life-threatening. Mr.

52岁的拉贾拉特南出生在科伦坡一个受人尊敬的中产阶级家庭。Mr. Rajaratnam, 52 years old, grew up in a respected, middle-class family in Colombo.

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国泰航空公司来回香港至可伦坡经济客位机票乙张。Roundtrip economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Colombo on Cathay Pacific Airways.

斯里兰卡已故总理所罗门·班达拉奈克生于首都科伦坡。Solomon Bandaranaike, late Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, was born at Colombo the capital.

不过,教区牧师唐-安东尼奥-科伦坡说他们绝对不会就此不让这对夫妇进入教堂。However, parish priest Don Antonio Colombo said there was no question of the pair being barred entry in future.

在首都可伦坡的街头巷尾,处处可见辉煌的佛像耸立,一到晚间,这些佛的灯在夜幕中闪闪发光。Gorgeous buddha statues , illuminated at night , stand nobly at the corners of many streets in capital city of colombo.

在可伦坡,我的英文老师要全年级一百五十个学生做写作练习,包括写信给朋友。My English te acher in Colombo set all 150 students in my ye ar a writing assignment th at included a letter to a friend.

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反政府武装声称攻佔了四个军事哨所,但科伦坡当局说,反政府武装并未佔领任何地方。The rebels say they overran four military outposts, but authorities in Colombo say the rebels have made no territorial gains.

这艘船只搭载了超过1,000人,从印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦到斯里兰卡首都科伦坡。The vessel is carrying more than 1, 000 people from the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu to the Sri Lankan capital Colombo.

斯里兰卡利用外资在科伦坡及其它旅游胜地兴建了许多包括星级饭店在内的现代化旅馆。With the foreign investment, Sir Lanka built some modern hotels including star grade hotels at Colombo and other beauty spots.

斯里兰卡总统选举败北的候选人萨拉特·丰塞卡将军早些时候在科伦坡的办公室中被逮捕。The defeated candidate in Sri Lanka's presidential election, General Sarath Fonseka, has been arrested at his office in Colombo.

2014年中国海军潜艇访问斯里兰卡科伦坡港,此举引发了人们对于该港的用途并非经贸而是军用的担忧。The visit of Chinese submarines at the Colombo port in 2014 raised fears that the facility's purpose is not economic but military.

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门儿都没有,62岁的退休义大利工程师雷纳托•哥伦坡说。他提供自己的DNA,支持他的国家要求维持现状的主张。No chance, said Renato Colombo , 62, a retired Italian engineer who proffered his DNA to reassert his nation's hold on the status quo.

科伦坡创造出一轮抓到七只小鸟的奇迹,但在标准杆四杆的第四洞的一个双柏忌导致他最后一轮成绩仅为67杆。Colombo produced one of the rounds of the day with seven birdies, but a double bogey on the par-four fourth marred his final round of 67.

一名联合国发言人在科伦坡称在斯里兰卡东北部所谓非交火区的大屠杀已经成为事实。UN spokesman in Colombo said that the "bloodbath" feared in the so-called "no-fire zone" in north-eastern Sri Lanka had become a reality.