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欢迎来到西拉团!Welcome to Silas Fellowship!

但多数人都赞扬赛拉斯。Most people, however , praised Silas.

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赛拉斯才舍得吃一顿烤肉。Silas indulged himself with roast-meat.

我叫塞拉斯,是天主事工会的成员。“”My name is Silas. I am an Opus Dei numerary.

早在开车到这里来时,塞拉斯就已经问过雷米。Silas had asked Rémy as they drove over here.

谢谢。我叫塞拉斯,是天主事工会的成员。Thank you. My name is Silas. I am an Opus Dei numerary.

当赛拉斯充满以后,不忏悔的心灵变满了。As the silas are full, the non-repenting mind becomes full.

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塞拉斯几乎一丝不挂,他拖着苍白的身子拾阶而下。Almost naked, Silas hurled his pale body down the staircase.

今夜,塞拉斯感到他终于得以回报了上帝。Tonight, at last, Silas felt he had begun to repay his debt.

西拉斯和道格猜测他们对盆栽、小区选择。Silas and Doug second-guess their choice of a pot-growing plot.

赛拉斯挂下电话,感到自己的皮肤都因为激动而颤动着。When Silas hung up the phone, his skin tingled with anticipation.

安迪,道格和西拉斯考虑在大麻的商业伙伴关系。Andy, Doug and Silas contemplate a partnership in the cannabis biz.

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保罗拣选了西拉,巴拿巴带著马可,他们各自踏上了不同的旅程。Paul took Silas and Barnabas took Mark and went their separate ways.

也许是塞拉斯假扮成艾琳娜死去的弟弟?Might Silas pass himself off as the deceased younger brother of Elena?

自从塞拉斯展示了他的样子,我们很期待一个新的斯蒂凡出现在神秘瀑布镇。Since Silas shares his face, expect a new Stefan to show up in Mystic Falls.

但他和西拉斯看到眼睛到眼睛越来越少,经常为今年全面进步。But he and Silas saw eye-to-eye less and less frequently as the year progressed.

“天主事工会,”塞拉斯用西班牙语小声唠叨着,并开始向教堂入口处走去。Hago la obra de Dios, " Silas whispered, moving now toward the church entrance."

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当时保罗和西拉被诬告而在腓立比坐牢。Having been falsely accused, Paul and Silas found themselves in jail at Philippi.

塞拉斯已经证明他能带队赢球,而且善于培养年轻球员。Silas has proven he can win, and he does it by developing young players in the process.

提摩太、提多、马可跟西拉,他们仅是走在保罗开拓的道路上之中的几位。Timothy , Titus, Mark, and Silas are just a few who followed the trail that Paul blazed.