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这些都体现在他1658年创作的大师级自画像。This is evident in his masterful self-portrait from 1658.

这一个技巧就能把乏味的食物变得美味。This tip alone can transform bland food in to masterful food.

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主任派头的天蝎会是寡言少语巨蟹的好伴侣。Masterful Scorpio should make a good mate for quiet spoken Cancer.

叱咤风云的经理第1部分,让你有机会与外星人的战斗。Masterful manager part 1 gives you a chance to battle with aliens.

他的确在精神上不够老练,况且他亲眼见到了她的狼狈情况。He was really not masterful enough mentally, and he had witnessed her discomfiture.

他们是叱咤风云的人物,所以在党内、党外树立了死敌。Being masterful figures, they made bitter enemies both within and without their parties.

主要成分为加本力苏维翁及梅洛,赋予此酒怡人的味道及口感。The masterful blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot helps to define the flavor and mouth feel.

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独创的外形,熟练的色彩混合,以及对真实世界中许多物理接口的模仿。Creative shapes, masterful color blending, and mimicry of physical interfaces from the real world.

这可能是为什么当我在中国的时候,那些高超的书法对我来说还是像涂鸦一样。This could be why masterful calligraphy still looks like scribbles to me, well into my time in China.

这本书精心研究了埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴的建筑,又有很广的应用性。This is a masterful architectural study of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, with wider application.

处女座工作勤奋、善于运筹帷幄以及干净整洁是吸引眼光敏锐的处女座女性的先决条件。Virgo Hardworking, masterful and clean as a whistle are prerequisites to attract a discerning Virgo lady.

有机会的话尽量从你的政治高手老板那里学一些有用的人际交往技巧。Try to pick up some helpful networking skills from your masterful political boss while you have the chance.

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希伯来书可谓是一部“专横的”文献,它展示了新约的优越性和独有性。Hebrews is a masterful document written to demonstrate the exclusiveness and superiority of the new covenant.

观看总在工作中,他描绘了为期三天的几个会议,以创建学习这首名曲。Watch a master at work as he paints over a three-day period in several sessions to create this masterful study.

耐克的强大优势来自于其品牌的培育、强大的物流以及高超的现金流管理。Nike's great strength has come from cultivation of its brands, masterful logistics and smart cash flow management.

刘芳非常的音乐表现力和精妙手指的技巧是不言尔喻的。Much has already been said about Liu Fang's sublime musicality and the exquisite nimbleness of her masterful fingers.

这些阔佬们又与卡尔·罗夫有关系,卡尔·罗夫是布什精干的政治战略家———也就是他的诸葛亮。These rich folks were in turn linked to Karl Rove, Bush's masterful political strategist -- his very own Zhuge Liang.

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在叱咤风云、运筹帷幄的岁月中,最让他们心动的正是那些最简单、最朴实,也最贴身的关爱。When these masterful figures command the world, what deeply moves them is the simplest, plainest and most personal care.

波尔图和切尔西的球员都异口同声地承认穆里尼奥是位足智多谋的鼓动家及事无具细的组织者。The players at both Porto and Chelsea have attested to the fact Mourinho is a masterful motivator and meticulous organiser.

史蒂夫·乔布斯用其妙手回春之手救苹果公司于危难之中,堪称大手笔,称他为苹果公司的执牛耳者也毫不为过。Steve Jobs did a masterful job of rescuing Apple from near-certain demise and is clearly a driving force behind the company.