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他便决计离开那修院。He resolved to quit the convent.

她上学期从女修道院逃跑了。She bunked from the convent last term.

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她上个学期从女修道院逃跑了。She was bunked from the convent last term.

这个简称是在那修院里用惯了的。This abbreviation had been adopted in the convent.

冉阿让为什么要离开小比克布斯修院呢?Why had Jean Valjean quitted the convent of the Petit-Picpus?

在修道院和邻接的建筑里设置一间复合套房。an apartment complex in the convent and the adjoining buildings.

这个建在深山里的尼姑庵,住着几个虔诚的尼姑。Several devout nuns live in the convent located in remote mountains.

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丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予以埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。A buxom widow must be either married, buried or shut up in a convent.

那修院对冉阿让来说,好象是个四面全是悬崖绝壁的孤岛。This convent was for Jean Valjean like an island surrounded by gulfs.

她年复一年地住在这里,就像你住在女修道院一样。For years and years she lived here the way you would live in a convent.

修院表现的是极端的自私,而结果是极端的克己。The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation.

修院表现的是极端的自私,而结果是极端的克己。The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation.

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但是福尔伯特勃然大怒,为了埃洛伊丝的安全着想,阿伯拉尔把她送进了一间女修道院。But Fulbert was furious, so Abelard sent Heloise to safety in a convent.

次玛丽亚,谁离开了修道院,冯特拉普上校结婚,播放。"Played" plays Maria, who left the convent and married Captain von Trapp.

居民被重新安置和教会服务,被关押在女修道院。The residents were resettled and church services were held in the Convent.

即使未经思考,尼姑庵看起来也是一个好地方。But even without any sort of view, the convent seems a nice spot to be a nun.

冉阿让便这样离开了那永敬会修院。It was thus that Jean Valjean quitted the convent of the Perpetual Adoration.

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路途中,他在舍马尔基诺修道院下站,去看望他的妹妹。On the way to the station he stopped at Shemardino convent to see his sister.

朕喜欢女修道院,其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。I like convent but I wish they will not admit any women under the age of fifty.

圣诞节后第三天晚上,伯尔厄隆修道院敲响了丧钟。And four days afterwards the bells toll for a funeral in the convent of Borglum.