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从反映现实生活而言,敦煌艺术和世俗艺术一样是一面历史的镜子。The Art of Dunhuang and unreligious art are both mirrors to history.

有的僧尼还与世俗家庭保持着密切联系,甚至死后以俗法安葬。Some monastic kept away with family, and buried in forms of unreligious.

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这也许是因为非宗教即是尘世,而我很不幸地信仰虚无。It may be the metaphor of that the unreligious is mortal , but I believe in nihility fatally.

不过到了芜湖的天主教棠我才知道在这个城市里还有一小批人信教。But today I found that in Wuhu there are still a handful of people who still firmly believe in Christianity in this unreligious nation.

这个具有宗教使命的“非宗教画家”,其内心颤动的音符至此嘎然停顿,如一记当头棒喝后的宁静与虚无。Then the inner vibrating notes suddenly suspend in the missioned " unreligious artist", like the tranquility and nihility after a severe blow.

最全面的研究不再认为非宗教信徒更聪明更有文化,这将大大鼓舞宗教信徒。The believers may take heart from the fact that the most comprehensive studies no longer suggest the unreligious are cleverer or more lettered than them.

同时,宗教改革促进了欧洲世俗婚姻的发展,这种发展给欧洲社会带来了巨大影响。At the same time, author analyzes the unreligious people's marriage lives, and shows that reformer made great contribution to the development of Europe marriage and Society.

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伊斯兰教本身仍处在相对落后的发展阶段,承载了太多的非宗教功能,使政教关系变得更加错综复杂。Islam now is also in behindhand level comparatively, bearing so many unreligious functions that lead the relations of politics and religion much more complicated and confusing.

这三重环境中的宗教性环境与非宗教性环境及因素的博弈结果,是藏族儿童成长为宗教徒的关键。Accordingly, the religious factors' influences to Tibetan children are more than the influences from unreligious factors, as a result, Tibetan children grown into Tibetan Buddhists.

世界性宗教、帝国和跨国世俗意识形态都致力于推动同质化,但其客观效果却使民族文化的成分更加多元化。Although world religion, empire, and transnational unreligious ideology all commit themselves to realize homogenization, the result is that the ingredients of national culture are more diversity.