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染色体数量、X染色体、Y染色体Chromosome numbers and Xs and Ys

那么我们真的有那么一条染色体么?Do we have a chromosome like that?

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PH基因可能来源于B染色体。PH genes maybe originate B chromosome.

这也就出现了性染色体方面的问题。This presents a sex chromosome problem.

她就是加尔各答染色体的一部分。She is part of the chromosome of Kolkata.

银杉的染色体数目和形态。Chromosome numbers and morphology in Cathaya.

第5染色体的特点是有一个近侧的节结。Chromosome 5 is distinguished by a proximal knob.

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PYM处理则以染色体断片为主。Fragment of chromosome was induced mainly by PYM.

参见染色体涂染探针。Painting probe --- See chromosome painting probe.

每条染色体有两臂称为p和q。Each chromosome has two “arms” designated p and q.

复制后的染色体有几条染色分体?。How many chromatids are in a duplicated chromosome?

如果检测到Y染色体,则胎儿是个男性。If the Y chromosome is detected, the fetus is male.

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我们的第2条染色体在中心部位含有端粒DNA。Our second chromosome has telomere DNA at the center.

鸭嘴兽跟人类一样,也有X和Y染色体。Like humans, platypuses carry an X and a Y chromosome.

两种羊角蕨属植物的染色体数。Chromosome numbers of two species in the genus Morinda L.

几种盐肤木属植物的染色体观察。The chromosome observation on 4 species in the genus Rhus.

本文报道了戴胜的染色体组型研究结果。This paper presents the chromosome complement of the Hoopoe.

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所有卵子的第23个染色体总是X染色体。The 23rd chromosome in all oocytes is always an X chromosome.

扁蓄豆的染色体组型分析。Analysis concerning the types of Trigonella chromosome groups.

上海地区若干种栽培植物的染色体数目。Chromosome numbers of several cultivated plants from Shanghai.