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他好开玩笑。He is fond of jesting.

他们总是开玩笑。They are always jesting.

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我刚刚逗您了。I am just jesting with you.

没有取笑的理由。It's no matter for jesting.

军中无戏言。There is no jesting in war.

他极爱开玩笑。He is awfully fond of jesting.

别跟我开玩笑了,我很忙!Stop jesting with me because i am busy!

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她和爱开玩笑的伯德桑在一起并不感到很自在。She was not entirely at ease with the jesting birdsong.

“我感到怀疑,”利·马洛里用浓厚的戏谑语调说。"I wonder, " said Leigh Mallory in a heavily jesting tone.

在拿自己的高龄开玩笑方面,约翰麦凯恩算得上一位行家里手。JOHN McCAIN is a master of jesting about his advanced years.

他很少这样但是现在他无法抗拒和老爷子打趣的冲动。He did it rarely but now he could not resist jesting with the Don.

不要玩弄木工的工具,更不要把玩医生的器具。It is ill jesting with the joiner's tools, worse with the doctor's.

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巴比特往常总是兴冲冲地,有说有笑地下楼吃早饭。Often of a morning Babbitt came bouncing and jesting in to breakfast.

亨利勋爵刚才偶然说了句玩世不恭的话,几乎叫他昏倒。He had nearly swooned at what Lord Henry had said in a chance mood of cynical jesting.

情人们一点也受不住旁人拿他们情侣的名字开玩笑。The tenderness of lovers can ill brook the least jesting with the names of their mistresses.

他说话时虽然用的是开玩笑的语气,可是颤动的浓眉却反映出了内心的失望和恼怒。He had spoken in jesting vein but the twitching of his bushy eyebrows bespoke his disappointment and irritation.

他还开玩笑说乔治。华盛顿也许会名标青史,跟乔治三世②不相上下。He added, in a jesting way, that perhaps GeorgeWashington might gain almost as great a name in history as Georgethe Third.

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再说,我对玛格丽特原有的看法,使我对她的玩笑看得过于认真了,对这个女人的任何方面,我都不能无动于衷。Moreover, the idea that I had formed of Marguerite made her jesting seem worse to me. Nothing about this woman left me indifferent.

即使在传统历史小说内部,保守与激进、戏说与正说之间也日渐杂语喧哗。Even in the inner part of traditional historical novels, conservative and radical, jesting and serious, also is becoming uproarious.

虽然通常他们的心理和身体上有许多困难、苦恼、焦躁不安,但他们会以幽默和玩笑将其隐藏,只有非常好的朋友才知道背后真相。Though generally they have trouble and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humour and jesting and are considered very good friends to know.