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登记功能。Enrollment functions.

硕士学位研究生入学英语试题汇编>。The class has an enrollment of27 students.

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我们的小学入学率排在第79位。We come in 79th in elementary-school enrollment.

学生一旦编班入学,学费将不可退。The school fee won't be refunded after enrollment.

入学条件是具有学位证,专业不限。His transfer certificate is required for enrollment.

注册将截止于二月二十一日,周日。And the enrollment will close on Sunday, February 21st.

通常将登记和预订步骤结合在一起。Often the enrollment and subscription steps are combined.

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应用外语系在校全日制学生1046人。AFLD bustles with an enrollment of 1046 full-time students.

高中的整体入学率超过150,000。Total enrollment at post-secondary schools is over 150,000.

这个学校的升学率大幅度跃升。This school's enrollment quotas have surged by a large margin.

因名额有限,所有课程乃先到先得。Enrollment to the course will be on first-come-first-serve basis.

本课程专为职业上有需要并初接触英文者而设。The course has commenced, or has reached its enrollment deadline.

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公司的注册资本为5亿元人民币。The enrollment of the company capital is 500 million yuan of RMBs.

在适用的情况下,贵公司是否要求承包商加入C-TPAT?Where applicable, do you require C-TPAT enrollment of contractors?

专业学位硕士扩招是研究生教育发展的必然之路。Expanding the enrollment of professional degree Master is necessary.

仅在最后一年,清华大学重新有2800名学生入学。Only last year did Tsinghua reopen to an enrollment of 2,800 students.

这种转变在研究生院的招生中也可见一斑。The shift in attitudes is also apparent in graduate school enrollment.

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第二件事是关于报读预科音乐课程。The second thing would be about the enrollment of the Pre-Music Program.

从2008年开始,天福茶学院向海外招收学生。Tenfu Tea College will begin enrollment of International students in 2008.

我已经详细阅读了青院附中的招生简章并同意按照招生简章的内容办理入学手续。I've read the enrollment requirement and will apply for QYFZ according to it.