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那好像是个仪式,入伙仪式。It was a ceremony, an initiation.

议决入会费、常年会费。Decide initiation fees and yearly dues.

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才会有丑的升华。美的萌生。Will have ugly distillation. Beautiful initiation.

第一章是对启蒙溯源的梳理。The first chapter is to initiation tracing combing.

接受连心之后,脸色立刻发亮!The face become shinning after receiving the initiation.

对于刚入派的年轻女孩来说,可能就更糟了。For young girls joining gangs the initiation is even worse.

最后讨论了裂纹起始时间的预测问题。Initiation time for the microcracks is also discussed here.

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住持决定明天举行传戒仪式。The abbot decided to hold the initiation ceremony tomorrow.

木粉对裂纹引发时间的影响最为显著。The crack initiation time determined the composite's toughness.

女性成长主题是贯穿阿特伍德小说的一条主线。Female initiation themes is the main subject in novels of Atwood.

PANA诱发小鼠肿瘤可能存在剂量——反应关系。PANA seemed to show dose-response relationship in tumor initiation.

自瑜萌生起对海亮不忠的感觉。Since the initiation Yu from the sea of bright sense of disloyalty.

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引爆过程用高速转镜相机记录。The initiation process is re-corded by a high speed rotating camera.

叶片中分泌囊的发生是向基性的。The initiation of the secretory cavities in the leaf is basipetalous.

当出芽开始时,液泡的氨基酸库被利用。The vacuolar amino acid pool is utilized during initiation of budding.

这个孕育花芽的过程是在花芽分化前的几个星期开始的。This induction process begins a few weeks before fruit bud initiation.

大一新生受各种嘲弄,但是他们对这种入门经验甘之如饴。University freshmen get lots of razzing, but they like the initiation.

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安全起爆系统对于工程爆破是极为重要的。A safe initiation system is of great importance to engineering blasting.

触发器监控器监听一个启动队列上的触发器消息。The trigger monitor listens for trigger messages on an initiation queue.

德阳在唐朝时期建立,到现在已经有1300年的历史。This is the genuine initiation of Deyang's over 1, 300 years of history.