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本人是一个已死者。I was a goner.

那个人是没有希望了。That man is a goner.

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因为它们在我死后能值更多。They're worth so much more after I'm a goner.

再过差不多1000万年,它就该拜拜了。Another 10 million years or so, and it's a goner.

噢,看起来我没戏了,剩下就看你的了。Oh, looks like I'm a goner , its up to you now, old man.

麦克真是无药可救,他日常工作没做完就出去了。Mark's a goner. He didn't finish his chores before going out.

她还没有不行,在演艺界她还是很活跃的呢。Yeah, she is not a goner. She's still active in the show biz.

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麦克真是无药可救,他日常工作没做完就出去了。Mike was such a goner that he went out without finishing his daily job.

我常觉得自己好像年纪大了,真希望鲍伯•多尔能一直陪伴着我。I feel like a goner sometimes, and I wish Bob Dole was with me all the time.

他通过负隅顽抗赚了一把——即使在大家都认定他非走不可之后。He profited by holding out — and fighting — even after everyone knew he was a goner.

结构如果太重修饰,行文如果太浮夸,那你写出来的东西就没救了。Too much ornamentation on the frame, or garishness in the pattern, and you're a goner.

导弹相继以几秒之差到达程序目标起爆。附近的一切都是一个无可挽救的东西。They reach their programmed positions within a few seconds of each other and detonate. Anything nearby is a goner.

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打个比方说,在那段时间里,任何通过智能手机搜索“拿铁咖啡”的人就会认为这家店已经停业了。During that time, anyone searching for a latte on a smartphone, for instance, would have assumed the store was a goner.

“不,不。一旦你摧毁了物体的量子态,这个物体就不存在了,”他解释说,“如果你再把心灵运输搞糟了,那么你就彻底消失了。”"No. No. Once you destroy the quantum state of the object, the thing is gone, " he explained. "If you mess up the teleportation, then you're a goner. "

他感到非常高兴,于是到附近的寺庙去感谢上帝,可当他离开寺庙的时候却发现车不见了。Overwhelmed with joy, he rushed to a nearby temple to thank God for having kept his bicycle safe only to find, when he got out of the temple, that the bicycle was goner

如果你把科技想像成一系列的波,每一次取代过去,可能移动应用的上升将引导你断定基于浏览器的网页是一个将死者。If you think about technology as a series of waves, each displacing the last, perhaps the rise of mobile apps would lead you to conclude that the browser-based web is a goner.

“我看见了一辆待售车的图片,我那时已是无可救药的车友了,”邓宁女士回忆买下这样车的情形说,“卖车的人说,他妻子说他们要有孩子了得有辆轿车才方便。“I saw a for-sale picture and I was a goner right then and there,” Ms. Dunning said. “The guy said his wife had told him they had to get a closed car if they were going to have children.