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我们把动物关在围栏里把它们养肥。We keep animals in pens to fatten them.

你能把你的文章充实一下吗?Can you fatten your article out a little?

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猪喂精饲料可以催膘。Giving pigs fine feed can fatten them up.

你太瘦了。我们要养肥你。You're too skinny. We need to fatten you up.

农民试图把瘦牛养肥以上市。The farmer tried to fatten the lean cattle for market.

在外围网络领域,规模效益可以带动利润率的增长。It's an area where economies of scale could fatten profit margins.

它们为走上另一个长期的旅程而使自己胖起来。They would fatten themselves for another long leg of their journey.

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小安看起来太瘦了。我们给她点食物,将她喂胖。Ann's looking awful thin. Let's give her some food and fatten her up.

由于女性激素催肥躯体,因此也用于催肥牲畜。Because female hormones fatten the body, they are used to fatten livestock.

有一次我育肥的书籍,更多的图表和图片的妻子修改这本书。Once I fatten the book with more diagrams and images the wife edits the book.

你休想偷懒呆在这里,叫别人冒危险,吃苦头,你坐享其成。Don't lazily think to fatten yourself with the dangers and pains of other people.

一条饥饿的狼想把鸡养肥来做炖鸡,却产生了意想不到的结果。A hungry wolf's attempts to fatten a chicken for his stewpot have unexpected results.

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在长途迁徙飞行开始前,鸟儿会吃大量的食物增肥。Birds will fatten themselves with heavy feeding in advance of a long migrational flight.

例如,抑郁症是否能使中年人群像年长者一样肥胖?For example, can depression fatten the "middles" ofmiddle-aged people as well as of seniors?

差价和流量转换,就这点足已经养肥了他。Price difference and discharge are changed, with respect to this bit sufficient already fatten he.

农民们只是想使家畜长得更肥壮可以上市场上卖到好价钱。The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market.

一些公司实际上是去帮助你,而其他人只是希望催肥他们的口袋。Some companies are actually out to help you, while others are simply looking to fatten their pockets.

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味精是味精是一种用来给实验室的动物增肥的化学制品,当你食用以后它将最终导致你的肥胖。MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and will ultimately make you fat when consumed.

圈养牲畜则是用玉米小麦和大麦尽快的催肥而成的。Store-fed animals are fed on maize, wheat and barley in the race to fatten them up as fast as possible.

街上尽是卖什锦火锅的店,相扑选手们常吃这些来增肥。The roads are lined with stores selling chankonabe, the stew the wrestlers eat to fatten themselves up.