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硬件故障。Hardware fault.

此则余之过也。This is my fault.

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这是我的过错。This is my fault.

全是我的错。It’s all my fault.

那是我的过错。That was my fault.

这是谁的过错?Whose fault was it?

那不全是我的错。It's not all my fault.

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全怪我。It's entirely my fault.

这是顶大的错误。This is a deadly fault.

被毛过长或呈波浪状。Fault Long or wavy coat.

这并不完全是他的错。It is not all his fault.

这难道是扬科维奇的错吗?Is this Jankovic's fault?

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这不全是我的错。This is not all my fault.

她查觉到他的缺点。She is aware of his fault.

否认错误,错上加错。Denying a fault doubles it.

最终他承认了错误。Finally he owned his fault.

否认错误,错上加错。Denying is a fault doubles it.

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我们无人不犯错误。No person could have no fault.

他老是喜欢挑毛病。He is ever ready to find fault.

缺席者总是出什么事。The absent are always at fault.