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具有调和脾胃、清热润燥作用。Has the harmonic taste, heat dryness role.

这些食物减少暑热和燥。These foods reduce the hotness and dryness.

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这种热度和湿度会减轻皮肤的干燥度。This heat and humidityimproves skin dryness.

肺喜清肃濡润,既不耐于湿,更不耐于燥。The lung can neither endure damp nor dryness.

但是视神经紧张和眼干都只是暂时的。But the stress and dryness are only temporary.

枣调和气血,润燥。Jujube reconcile Qi blood and moistening dryness.

他语气的特点是唐突而又冷淡。His tone was characterized by curtness and dryness.

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长期接触可能引起皮肤干裂。R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.

多摄入一些欧米珈-3脂肪酸可以减少皮肤的干燥和红肿发炎。Increasing omega-3 intake can reduce dryness and inflammation.

二世纪时,盖伦将口吃归咎于舌头干燥。In the second century Galen pinned it on a dryness of the tongue.

又或者将铁放入盐酸中,然后将溶液加热变成结晶。Or add iron to hydrochloric acid and boil the solution to dryness.

唇膏可以缓解嘴唇的干燥并保护唇部受以上的伤害。Lip balm alleviates dryness and helps protect lips from the elements.

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由于对阿根廷干旱天气的担心,玉米期价上涨。Corn futures posted gains, supported by concerns of dryness in Argentina.

干燥与疲惫折磨着他,他感到皮肤开始紧绷绷地像要裂开了。He suffered dryness and tiredness. He felt as if his dry skin would split.

哦,我旅游的时候都会带上兰芝雪凝晶焕喷雾喷在脸上,这样能够防卫肌肤枯燥。Oh, I always bring the mist to spray on face when travel to avoid dryness.

外用方剂多为杀虫攻毒、破瘀化结、清热燥湿之品。External prescription includes clearing heat and moistness dryness and so on.

计算设计并建造了供实验研究的蓄冷干燥器和实验装置。Design the cold-cumulating and dryness tin and construct experimental devices.

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采用模糊控制原理,水分在线检测及终水自动控制系统。Fuzzy control, on-line water monitoring and final dryness auto control system.

它还有助于治疗因暴躁或者过度用眼而引起的眼睛干涩。It's also good for eye dryness caused by irascibility or excessive use of eye.

引起干眼症的原因很多,其中最普遍的一个是正常的年龄增长。One of the most common reasons for dryness is simply the normal aging process.